The Prism

General Summary


  • Eyez
  • Daddy John
  • Kanzaschz (deceased)
  • Aslan-Doo
  • The Michelin Man (deceased)
  • Melvin, Brother of the Joker (deceased)
  • Spring Heeled Jack (deceased)
  • Ankha the cat (deceased)
  • The Birthday Boy (deceased)
  • Peter (inflitrated on the planet beforehand)

Mission Briefing:

  Land on the dead planet, assess the reasons for the energy spike, and report.  


  Harkan's World was neutron bombed a century ago. By rights, nothing should be alive down there.   Upon landing on the planet, the various contestants quickly remarked that the local population consisted of pale human beings that did not notice their presence. After a few tests, which involved the Birthday Boy blowing some of them up, and eventually blowing himself up along with them, the team established that the people were locked in small cycles, repeating the same actions over and over again until destroyed. It was also remarked that when killed, they did not shed any blood.   After the first batch were blown up by the Birthday Boy, Eyez felt his boots fuse to the ground and ripped his feet out of them. He then proceeded to enter the large scientific facility that dominated the town. When the Birthday Boy entered the local diner, one of the people got up from his table and ran away to another room. It proved to be a wise decision, as the Birthday Boy fired his rocket launcher inside the diner and blew up everyone present, including himself.   Aslan-Doo focused on smelling for life forms and found himself surprised by the lack of scent on the locals. He noted that aside from the contestants, there were only two extra lifeforms.   One of these revealed itself to be Peter, an official future club background extra. Daddy John decided to use him as a test subject, sending him to test more of the locals. Meanwhile, One of Daddy John's soldiers were subject to unexplainable events as they were guarding the perimeter. One had to tear his helmet off as it was threatening to crush his skull.   Spring Heeled Jack made his way to the lab and cut off the power, hoping the locals were digital projections, to no avail. He did manage to strike up a sort of conversation with a local, which revealed that they could not emit sound. Ankha the Cat struck up a modelling deal with Daddy John, driving up to him in a car and running over one of his men. Melvin went around murdering locals while The Michelin Man was becoming increasingly distressed at the lack of tires to replace.   As they were clearing away the last of the locals to make way for Venom Inc's resettling program, Daddy John's soldiers heard a loud cry coming from a house previously unexplored and every single local that was destroyed reappeared, as if nothing had happened.   Eyez ignored the archives and entered the actual labs. Spring Heeled Jack picked the archive files up and began reading. Aslan-Doo entered through a window and followed Eyez. They found three labs, dedicated to Genetic Engeneering and Reality Manipulation. The first lab had its glass panels shattered, debris indicating something came out of it. The second had a local stood in the middle doing nothing. The third seemed to house a small item, and once again the glass panel was shattered, but indicating someone broke IN. The item that was housed there seemed to be missing.   Daddy John's soldiers and Ankha moved to surround the building. As Ankha parked, the car exploded, killing her instantly. Daddy John's men took a defensive stance, joined by Melvin and The Michelin Man.   Jack provided context as he found that the scientists had successfully created something that could alter reality.   Aslan-Doo burst through the remains of the door of the house, catching fire from the smoldering car. He only caught a glimpse of a large green skinned man before the fire inexplicably engulfed him whole. He ran out as The Michelin Man walked in, guns blazing, joined by Melvin. Landing a grenade directly in the large green man's face, The Michelin Man bought Aslan a moment to run off to Eyez, who proceeded to put the fire out, saving the feline.   Spring Heeled Jack took position on the roof, hoping to drop a smoke bomb on the beast, should it emerge from the building.   The Michelin Man found himself slowly fusing together into one tire. The team was now clear that the prism held by the creature was affecting reality. Peter attempted a maneuver with a car to block the door, and ended up crashing into a wall, rendered unconscious by the impact. The Michelin Man managed to get another shot in, which hurt the beast. The Beast responded by finishing transforming him into a tire and kicking him out of the house. It then proceeded to beat Melvin to death, but in doing so ended up in full view of Daddy John's squad and Kanszachs. A smoke bomb dropped and the soldiers riddled him with bullets until he fell.   The Prism clattered to the ground.   Jack immediately swooped down and grabbed it.   It was clear now that a difficult decision had to be made. Who was going home with the powerful artefact.   Daddy John immediately lay claim to it, while Jack refused to let it go. Eyez, Kansachs and Aslan-Doo were waiting on the sides. The Michelin Man was begging to be turned back into his former self and was willing to side with whoever would. Daddy John got Venom Inc to blockade the sky, which had the unfortunate effect to blow up the Daddy John ship that was coming to get him. Kansachs reanimated Peter.   Jack and Daddy John agreed to a duel. It would be melee weapons, to the death. Daddy John drew his laser pizza cutter and Jack stood ready with his claws.   Immediately, he used the cube to turn John into a three foot tall version of himself. It didn't stop the man, who swiped and cut Jack. Excited by the fact that the cube was being used, The Michelin Man tried to step in the way of the cube, and instead found himself in the trajectory of the pizza cutter, slicing him in half. Jack used this opportunity to turn Daddy John's head into a baby head and taking a step back.   Eyez and Aslan-Doo remained still, unsure when to move. Kanszachs found himself drawn to shooting the child-looking individual stood in front of him.   Aslan-Doo pounced on Jack, tearing his face off and securing the cube. Kansachs shot Daddy John point blank, almost killing him. He was immediately shot down by the Daddy John Squad for that.   Eyez used the chaos to grab the cube. Daddy John requested it kindly, and as a response, Eyez turned his head back into a normal head. This wasn't enough for Daddy.   Eyez attempted to run away. Hunted by Daddy John's squad, he managed to take two of the five out, before being dramatically shot as he stepped out of cover. Not managing to make the Prism work, he hid, trying to think his way out of it. Daddy John called in his final favour from Venom Inc for a weapons cache and elected to wait it out. The sky was locked by Venom Inc ships, there was nowhere to run.   Aslan-Doo had slipped away by then, not interested in dying after his experience being burned alive. Peter was nowhere to be found.   Eyez took out his lightsaber and hit the Prism. The energy release from the destruction of the Prism tore Eyez apart, ripping into him until he was an inch from death.   Daddy John and his squad found the site of the explosion, but no sign of Eyez. They collected the remaining fragments of the cube, briefly feeling their power before it dissipated. Daddy John handed the planet over to Venom Inc as promised and returned home.  


  Harkan's World is owned by Venom Inc   A.R 1530: The Prism destroyed, its fragments collected by Daddy John
Report Date
01 Jul 2022
Primary Location
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