

Ghosts are born when a deceased individual is either kept from entering the afterlife by otherworldly means (rituals, Faraday Cage ), by willpower (e.g revenge, wronged ghosts) or if they manage to escape on the journey to the afterlife.   In the second case, Ghosts are hunted by Death Bearers , who track them down in an attempt to drag them back to the afterlife they belong in.  

Connection to the physical

Ghosts are frequently encountered being inexplicably able to lift or use specific objects, often items that they had a strong connection to while they were alive. While usually unable to interact with the physical world, the use of these items allows them a certain degree of interaction.   This means that Ghosts are impervious to most forms of physical harm, only really vulnerable to magical or other ghostly means.  


A Ghost can attempt to possess a living individual. It often results in a battle of wills, in which the winner will remain in control of the body. It is a very taxing process, so if repelled, a ghost will find themselves severely dimished.


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