Grandmaster Hugh

Once a man lost to his hunger for flesh, Hugh sought out and studied with Grandmaster Skellington in The Lost Mountains. There, he learned to control his hunger through focus, through the art of the blade.   He was killed on a Future Club mission in 200.001.

The Art of the Flaming Sword

  To become a Grandmaster, one must simply be the best of his martial art. Through decades of studying with Grandmaster Skellington, Hugh became an expert at the arts of the blade. But expert does not mean best.   Finally having outgrown Skellington's teachings, Hugh set off on a quest to discover what martial art reflected his inner turmoil most. His all consuming hunger and his precision with a blade eventually came together during a duel with Grandmaster Links, where his katana caught fire out of sheer passion. While he did not win the duel, he had found something valuable.   He retreated into the Lost Mountains, that Skellington himself had vacated, and began to hone his art. After decades of lonely practice, students began to seek him out. Eventually, so did Skellington. After a lenghty visit, Skellington officially proclaimed Hugh a Grandmaster. His life's purpose reached. Grandmaster Hugh is said to be the last person Grandmaster Skellington visited before his disappearance.
Circumstances of Death
Thermal Charge explosion
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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