
Bushido Era

  Dishonored Samurai Shiro lived a life of pain. Forsaken by his peers and perpetually outcast, he earned coin by killing men for other men and dulling the pain with sake.   One of the things that made him particularly good at this was his titan form. With a single scratch on his cheek, Shiro can turn into a nine foot tall titan, covered bone plates. Particularly strong and durable, this titan form has kept him alive and over the centuries modified his physiology. Now, Shiro can heal from most wounds even without the Titan form.   

Future Club

Surviving until the years 2500, Shiro was then cryogenically frozen and now serves as an assassin and Future Club contestant for whoever can pay his fee. Having little other purpose of need for money, Shiro's fee goes to his great-great-[...]great granddaughter who owns a japanese retaurant. The money is passed off as a tip, to keep her safe. Shiro does not mind that she will never know about him or his contribution. He is content.
Year of Birth
Japan, Earth
Aligned Organization
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