Sophie Durand

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After her divorce, Sophie Durand realized that she had been missing out on a lot in life. When her daughter Mika eventually moved out to pursue higher education, Sophie sold her house and embarked on the first ship she could find. Adventure was waiting for her. She took odd jobs here and there on travelling ships, seeing more of the universe than she ever thought she would. She had been a mother too young, and it had tied her down before she could live. Eventually, she happened to be on a ship that was attacked by Patrick's Fancy Friends. As the pirates ransacked the ship, she offered her services to them. Impressed by the boldness of the offer, Patrick took her on. She was not a violent woman, but she was smart and observant. And with her on board, The Ringleader and its crew had their best year.   This attracted attention however, and they became the target of a Future Club operation. As her colleagues were torn to pieces beside her, she met George Pouffiasse , a dashing lad with a bright smile and fearless demeanor, who offered to help her find her daughter again. As the blood settled and the contestants went home, she and George kept the ship, intent on making it home for their respective daughters.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth


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