The Onslaught on Urath

General Summary


  • The Dalek 
  • Fluid
  • Darth Marenghi (deceased)
  • Shifter 

    Mission Briefing:

      Attract and eliminate as many of the capes as possible.  


      Before landing the rest of the team, Shifter infiltrated the security personnel (the singular security guard) of the large mall as an intern. Bill, the security guard in question, introduced him to the various security systems and the Phone. Twelve buttons, all colourful and logo-like.   The Dalek landed out of the zone and made his way in, disguised as a very modern recycling bin. The Urathians didn't question it at all, why would they.   Fluid and Marenghi had lunch in a diner and hid a large amount of C4 under their table. They subsequently left the diner, melting the door handle on the way. At that point, Bill went on his lunch break and Shifter called up as many of the logos as possible, claiming that a child was having a birthday party and he would love to see some superheroes. As far as he could tell, there were a number of positive responses.   Fluid and Marenghi walked away from the diner and noticed that the public bathroom's door was locked, with several people stuck outside in desperate need for a wee. Soon after, the first team of heroes appeared. Led by Atomica, it consisted of cosmic hero Star Shield, weird knight type Illustrious and speedster Blur. They immediately went to the diner, and questionned why the door was so hard to open. The Dalek noticed a strange energy signature coming from a nearby shop and made his approach. The door of the bathroom was kicked open, revealing Rainbow Ranger, notoriously colourful local supervillain. Blur immediately engaged and the bathroom door closed on them both.   Perfectly timed, the bomb exploded then and there, killing the entierty of the diner occupants and severely wounding Illustrious and Star Shield. Atomica, mostly unscathed, went in to investigate. Shifter made his way into a car and decided to run over a bunch of teenagers playing on the basketball court, earning him a significant amount of likes.   As Blur emerged from the bathroom with Rainbow Ranger captured, the Cosmic Captain descended upon the mall, taking charge of the situation. Fluid and Marenghi went their seperate ways, Fluid borrowing a phone to blame the explosion on rogue superheroes, and Marenghi doing his weasel act to get closer to Cosmic Captain. After trying to stab Cosmic Captain (unsuccessfully), he cowered in fear again until Blur came to help him up. He immediately stabbed Blur (successfully), taking him out of the equation.   The Dalek's anomaly revealed himself to be Word Master, a C-list superhero. After a dumb attack, the Dalek vaporised him. He then proceeded to destroy what little medical supplies remained in the shop. Shifter was then attacked by the remaining teenagers. And while he was stabbing them quite well, he was still being overwhelmed. So he shifted into Utopian herself, scaring them away. He then got back in the car.   On his way back from the shop, Fluid turned on his livestream and called out Utopian personally. He then prepared his suicide vest and marched on the assembled superheroes. He turned into a puddle right before the explosion, which once again wrecked Star Shield and Atomica, shaking Cosmic Captain and killing what few civillians remained. Oh and Rainbow Ranger is well dead. Toasted.   Shifter proceeded to try and run over what was left, but Cosmic Captain teleported him away, with the car.   This is when Paragon landed dramatically in the middle of the situation. Loudly taking charge and screaming about rogue superheroes and people being under arrest, he allowed Marenghi to slip away and Fluid to disappear into the bathroom. While the kerfuffle was happening, the Dalek broke the wall and stopped next to Cosmic Captain. Atomica rushed into the bathroom after Fluid while Star Shield was trying to fix himself.   Half a dozen teenagers in colourful spandex arrived then, rushing towards the chaos. Marenghi watched them run past him and chose which ones to kill. He force pushed one of the kids into the others, attracting the ire of the rest. The kids almost overwhelmed him then, and it took quite a bit of effort to manage to get out of the way before they fully took him out.   Shifter then decided to take charge, pretending very successfully to be Utopian, which fooled Paragon (not the most difficult of tasks). In the chaos, the Dalek tricked Captain Cosmic into looking into its plunger, and slowly started absorbing him. Nobody suspects the dustbin, so nobody paid attention.   Atomica and Star Shield found Fluid, and after taking a hell of a beating, Fluid ran away as a puddle again.   Shifter then got his moment. Shifter saved Fluid by yelling at Atomica and Star Shield that Fluid was HERS TO KILL, buying him some time. He also made Paragon his sidekick, getting him to lose a significant amount of confidence (and therefore power). Shifter then convinced all the kids to get in the car, which they promptly did. He then lit up the fuel tank and it erupted in a ball of flame, killing the young'uns.   Meanwhile, the Dalek had finished eating Cosmic Captain's energy, and crushed him as he made his way to Paragon, blowing his head up with a now supercharged beam. He then mowed down Atomica and Star Shield, while Marenghi found himself a first aid kit to recover from the children beating him up (lost a lot of subs there)   Feeling cocky, Fluid ran towards the first aid kits while taunting Utopian on his livestream. He turned it off just before going to the infirmary. The Dalek flew up on a roof and proclaimed that the planet was theirs, and attempted to contact the rest of his race that are "definitely out there". He then kept mowing down what few civilians remained with his supercharged beams.   A sonic boom shook the ears of everyone but the Dalek (he has no ears), as Utopian crashed exactly where Fluid turned off the livestream. Shifter took the opporunity as the smoke overtook the street to turn into a child and started crying.   Far from the action, Marenghi found himself ganged on by a team of street level heroes with various weapons. These guys look a little meaner than the rest of the heroes. 90s gritty style.   Utopian's anger subsided seeing the child, and she let her guard down just long enough for the Dalek to empty his energy into a volley of beams, which finally got through her invincibility and vaporised her. Fluid emerged from the infirmary healed and quite pleasantly surprised that he wasn't going to die today.   Marenghi decided that today was a glorious day and went at the four heroes. Supporting fire from the Dalek killed two, and Marenghi maimed one more, but true to himself, Marenghi is not good in a straight fight, and a pair of hammers and a katana tore him apart. The Dalek eventually finished the last two heroes off.   Our surviving contestants found themselves stood in an ocean of corpses and fire, but also silence. Nobody else was coming. After an hour of no content, they were pulled out by Future Club.   The Dalek was returned to his little asteroid floating in controlled space, where he can be kept until the next mission.  


    • Twenty dead civilians
    • Dead heroes - The Neighbourhood Guard, the Atomic Pact, Utopian, Paragon, Captain Cosmic (until the next iteration), Word Master, The Teenage Wonders. - A third of Urath's superhero population
    Report Date
    11 Jun 2022
    Primary Location


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