The Swamp Marine

(a.k.a. Swampy)

A collection of plants from a swamp on Qisqil 5c which banded together when they found the power armor and weapons of a soldier who had drowned in the swamp.   Piloting the armor with all its roots and tendrils, the affectionately named Swampy left the swamp and tried its best to pretend to be a person. Coincidentally, in the armor, there remained a chip implanted likely by the soldier. A chip that belonged to the Future Club. Believing this might be the best way to pass for a person, Swampy signed up for the first mission available.  


  With the money he's made from his Future Club assignments, Swampy has paid to get the swamp he was born from to become a protected site.   


  Being an amalgamation of plants, the Swamp Marine can pilot his amor competently enough to not be immediately spotted as not actually a person, but it struggles with speech. Recently, after a lot of trial and error, the Swamp Marine has discovered that if he waters himself, his roots can creak well enough to form intelligible sentences.   Swampy is capable of piloting the armor semi competently from a small distance, often using it as a recon tool or a distraction.   He can also reconstitute any lost plant matter with other plants he encounters, sometimes leading to the discovery of interesting new abilities. In his current incarnation, his plants are incredibly poisonous.
Current Location
The Green Is Forever
6'4 (Armor)
Aligned Organization


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