International Enforcers Party

The International Enforcers Party or "Federationists" is a political faction within the Human Faction pressing for a Federation that is more active in international affairs and acts as a global enforcer of stability and common uniformity across Gaia. It's members believe that humanity at large has benefitted greatly from the actions and policies of the Human Federation and that its dealings around the globe have protected and uplifted all humans without distinction to race, economic class, of cultural belief system.
"When the people lamented "the powers that be have driven us to ruin! Please someone save us!" the Federation answered. When the people cried out "....We are oppressed and enslaved and have no hope!" the Federation answered! And when the people illiterate and impoverished screamed "...If only we had a the chance to improve our lot in life!" the Federation answered! The Federation's action across two hundred years has changed the world of man for good, the Federation is the future of Humanity and must hold greater prominence if humans are to live in peace and prosperity!.
~ Samid Gun'nar Al' Baran Federation Representative


The Federationists have historically been those of the middle and lower classes or individuals whose lives were changed in a drastic measure by Federation agenda and policy. They are in touch with the struggles and injustices of life and as such are passionate and dedicated to the Federation.

Public Agenda

The International Enforcer's Party seek to expand and deepen the controls and powers the Human Federations holds over international affairs. The ultimate goal of the Faction is the full incorporation of its member nations into a singular state overseen by the Human Federation.


The wake of the Human Collapse left many people disheartened by the leaders of their nations. The failures of the leadership prior and during the events were highlighted by many of those who land lost their livelihoods, freedom and lives during it. They saw that the ruling class only acted in its onw self interest while many people lived meager lives with no hope of improvement. Slavery, war, discrimination, oppression and many other atrocities were just tools of the ruling class and there was nothing that could be done. These people who saw the birth of the Federation were quick to believe that could be a means by which the ills of human societies could be reined in and then ultimately resolved. And so many of its founders would push for more Federation autonomy and power.

Foreign Relations

The International Enforcers Faction has the largest network of foreign connections and contacts out of all the factions and uses these to leverage influence with industry leaders and mid level politicians. The Federationists hold a great deal of power within the beaucracy of the Federations itself and as such have much power on how certain policies are worded; usually to thier benefit.
Founding Date
Political, Faction / Party
Parent Organization


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