Goddess of Love

The origin (with the god of the Sun) of all life on Gaia, the goddess of Love is known as the Mother of All as well as many personal names to the mortals who are her children. She is hated by the jealous goddess of the Moon and has warred against her madness for centuries, using as her foremost agents the Dragonriders.   Most civilized people worship the goddess of Love as a primary deity in their pantheon and sacrifices are offered to her first and foremost. While a number of debased cults reduce her to simple sexual pleasure, that is a corruption of her remit actually more suited to the selfish goddess of the Moon. Love is the appropriate relationship for all people with each other, the world in which they live, and everything in it. It is a selfless giving of oneself for the benefit of others, sacrifice and kindness.   The goddess of Love is known by many names in different lands. In the Northlands she is known as Vreyja.


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