Goddess of the Moon

The goddess of the Moon is the twin sister of the god of the Sun. When her brother lay with the goddess of Love  and brought forth all life on Gaia, she was driven mad with jealousy and vowed to torment and destroy all life, bringing darkness to the world.   Rendered barren in the early god-wars, she is unable to create life herself and instead resorts to twisting the life her brother and his lover brought forth - resulting in many of the near-human creatures found in the Known World such as the Amaxons & Centaurs, Taureans, Mermaids and others. Her mutilated creatures invariably suffer a twisting and debasement of their sexuality or the relationship between male and female, so consumed is she with rage at her brother's life-giving love for another.   Her cult is powerful and spread throughout the Known World, but the people of the land of Al-Djinn worship her exclusively after the coming of a powerful warlord some centuries ago. It was her cult that destroyed the dragon-riders.


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