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Harakhos, the Abyssal Lord

Lord of the Sunken City

Harakhos is known as the God of the Dark Abyss and is the imprisoned master of the Vaanir Pantheon.
He is considered the god of the the seas, monsters, and terror.   Locked away in the deepest darkest depths of the seas, Harakhos commands the horrors of the abyss without mercy for any who'd dare to enter his domain. None but his fellow deities are said to know the reason behind his imprisonment, making him a terrifying mystery that's lead many to their deaths. To this day, sailors still fear the open seas, never knowing when the fury of its dark master and his leviathan beasts will strike from its waters.


No mortal soul is said to have gazed upon Harakhos and lived to tell the tale. Unlike other deities, Harakhos doesn't even possess any known depictions from ancient carvings, leaving his appearance up to speculation at best. As such, most have come to accept that his true form is likely that of his favored beast: the kraken. But regardless of what mortals have come to accept, only select few would dare to bring his visage to life in works of art.   Others believe him to be more than a mere kraken, instead making him out to be a gargantuan figure with a monstrous face, his eyes as black as his own prison and tentacles growing from his head and chin. Any avatars are said to possess multiple sets of arms, his body covered in coral and other life from the dark depths. Some merely believe him to be the sea itself, the only aspect of his form visible to mortals being two large eyes staring up from the bottom of the sea.


Harakhos is known to be a ruthless soul with little regard for anyone but his most devoted followers. Any who fail to show him proper respect are said to be cursed, their lives forfeit to a watery end. These marked souls are warned never to sail the seas, lest they beckon forth his wrath for all to suffer. However, even those who remain on the mainland aren't safe as Harakhos is said to send his followers to enact his fury, allowing none to escape his ire.   Although he has no love for others, Harakhos is well known for aiding those who are true to their devotion. While others suffer the horrors of the depths, his followers may be gifted with their aid, laying waste to anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in their sights. Regardless of the favor they may receive, it's believed that their worship must remain absolute, Harakhos believing himself the only deity worthy of worship.   The only kindness he knows is that towards his pets. He's thought to be surprisingly caring about the well being of the monsters that serve him, their deaths invoking his true hatred. Despite such love, he remains a harsh master and doesn't tolerate any semblance of weakness within his ranks, disposing of failure without remorse. Only the finest and strongest are worthy enough to serve him, anyone less being nothing more than food for his beasts.


Harakhos commands the fury of the seas and all the monstrosities found within. His will can summon terrible storms and crushing waves to destroy any and all who sail the open seas. However, while his fury can lay waste to the shorelines, he has no power over the freshwater within rivers and lakes. Those who evade his fury by remaining safe upon land instead face the unrelenting forces that serve him, whether it's the pirates or cultists who show him praise.   His beasts of horror come in such forms as krakens, megalodons, and wyrms of the sea. Many of these serve as his eyes, trailing trade and naval vessels as they wait for the perfect time to strike. Select routes along the most shallow parts of the seas are the only way to best avoid their hunger but no one route is ever truly safe. Harakhos himself is said to be have a piercing reach, able to strike down anyone lost within his domain no matter the distance.


Although many would much prefer to avoid showing Harakhos any favor, certain professions are known to have little choice in doing so. Sailors, merchants, and fishermen who make a living off of the open seas commonly worship the dark god, even if they themselves are nothing like their master. His true followers are commonly cruel wizards and sorcerers, many of which have no qualms stepping into the light as few would dare to challenge the sea itself. The most notorious pirates are all followers of Harakhos and light elves have long been devoted servants of the sea.   While those forced to serve him may be truly kind people without an ounce of selfishness in their hearts, those who serve him willingly are feared by most. These are the people without a shred of remorse for others and only seek to further spread the influence of their master. Many cults in his name have sought to gain command over the seas, seeking to tear all lands apart to expand his domain. Meanwhile, his pirate followers are rarely considered true servants of Harakhos, merely praising his might and offering tribute to stay safe upon the waves. Although his followers may be known locally, they rarely head too far inland unless ordered to hunt down his enemies.  


  • Pay homage to the sea or be crushed beneath its waves.
  • To respect is to fear. Wield one and the other shall be yours to command.
  • Let nothing stand in your path and you shall carve your own destiny.

Notable Relations


  • Camus - The divine bonds which shackle Harakhos within the depths of his domain are said to have lead him to Camus, both seeking to sever these bonds.
  • Ossara - Tales of undead vessels upon the seas are common across the taverns, brought forth by the unholy union of Harakhos and Ossara's mutual hatred.
  • Zhaarn - Zhaarn shares the same passion for ruthless beasts, the suffering of others, and a divine cage as Harakhos, the two having forged a terrible alliance.


  • Lyon - Many turn to Lyon for guidance across the seas to avoid the gaze of Harakhos, only provoking it further as his ire grows deeper for the serpentine god.
  • Jayle - Jayle is one of few who wields the power to navigate the depths with a degree of safety, a gift yet used to allow Harakhos to gain greater reach on the world.
  • Tali - The unrelenting fury which binds Harakhos and Tali together is a tale lost to time, her name never to be spoken within any of his sacred halls.


God of the Dark Abyss  


Lord of a Thousand Terrors
Maw of the Depths
Black Eyes of Despair  

Moral Compass

Temptation & Goal  


Blackened eye behind a trident  


Eternal glory to the dark abyss  








The Black Abyss


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