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Kaius, the Prince of Darkness

Master of the Blood Curse

Kaius is known as the God of Twisted Harmony and holds the fifth seat on the Pharosso Pantheon.
He is considered the god of taboos, curses, and discord.   Long have the records of Kaius' origins been lost to the mortal world. Stories speak of him being a child of other powerful deities, others that he was born from dabbling into the demonic arts of the Nether. Fearing his unknown past and the terrifying power he commands, his name is rarely spoken outside the dark corners of the arcane colleges. But while he may be a being of darkness and cursed flames, so too does he wield the power to fend off these very same evils, so long as you swear your allegiance.


Kaius' depictions often range from enticing figures to horrendous monstrosities. His more appealing appearance is that of a dark skinned nobleman, clad in elegant attire and the armaments of royalty. Meanwhile, others make him out to have been scorched by black flames, leaving his entire body a torn mass of flesh, only hidden by his ashen clothing. Sometimes these depictions meet in the middle to form a demonic prince of the arcane, flaming horns rising from his head to accentuate his dark arts.   Regardless of the form he takes, he's always depicted with a wide grin, charming and alluring, even if his body is wrought by fire. Similarly, his eyes glow a bright yellow as a mark of his sins. Whenever he's said to take on a mortal form, he'll often choose an elven shape, even if he navigates other lands. While remaining illusive during such times, he's commonly spotted by people catching a glimpse of him from afar, his smile seared into their very mind.


Kaius is often described as a devious soul, one you should never trust with anything. Stories often speak of his betrayals, going so far as to incur the wrath of other deities. He's likely to use any means at his disposal to achieve his own ends, caring little for friendship or allies. But while many see him only as a selfish being, he's been known to lend his expertise from time to time. Due to his own experience, he's said to offer his watchful eye to those who offer him tribute, revealing those who'd seek to overthrow their masters.   Similar stories speak of his divine charge as a guardian of peace across the realms. His keen eyes are said to look out for those who'd threaten the balance, calling his fellow deities to arms should the need arise. But so too does he remain a vile trickster, occasionally providing false information to deity and mortal alike, relishing in the chaos ensued. Some believe that one such act is the reason his body was scorched, leaving him a broken husk for all eternity.   He's well known for his fiendish charms, those who've laid their eyes on him said to see him in their dreams for days to come. Some like to believe that his dark arts were born of necessity rather than a wicked passion. Such stories speak of his sacrifice to delve into the magics of the Nether, allowing the elementals of @phaross to gain the upper hand in a war that raged eons ago. But most evidence would suggest that he takes great pleasure in wielding his dark gifts, having long since embraced the demonic blood in his veins.


The most notable powers in Kaius' repertoire is his arcane mastery born of the lower planes. He's an avid wielder of magic many forbid across mortal civilization and especially loves to curse those who stand in his way. One of his particular favorites is to curse a person's very bloodline, leaving their descendants with dreadful anomalies to contend with until a time comes when they seek penance and kneel before him in forgiveness. Should a foe come before him, he'll often send his minions to dispose of them before ever getting his own hands dirty. But should the need arise, he'll happily clash blades with his opponent, bathing his scimitars with burning blood. However, it's said that the longer you remain in the fight, the greater the curse he'll leave upon your very soul. Similarly, should he ever find himself in the service of another, such people may find themselves shielded from all arcane ailments, even those of other deities.


Open worship of Kaius is often frowned upon or forbidden by law in certain cultures. Those who do are often fellow students of the dark arts, most of which do so in search of knowledge about the dark creatures of the lower planes. More commonly, his followers must contend with remaining hidden and study in hidden libraries only privy to those who've pledged their allegiance. Due to the prejudice often received by the rest of the world, the true devotees of Kaius leave civilization behind to form secret orders within ancient ruins known for the lingering dark powers contained within. Order and a proper chain of command is a delicate construct amongst his followers. Weakness is often punished and betrayal can be quite frequent without a strong hand to guide them. Under such leadership, select orders have risen to fame or infamy within certain circles. Those more inclined towards noble deeds often have a strong will to dare gaze into the darkness and will likely step forth to protect those they care for if faced with demonic threats. Some of his followers like to travel under the guise of another deity, searching for ancient knowledge and seeking to either destroy any fiend they come across, or strike a deal until they've served their purpose.


  • Those with the will to embrace the darkness shall wield the power to stand tall in the light.
  • Harmony breeds stagnation. Through discord do we evolve and achieve enlightenment.
  • Let not the strong dictate the ways of the weak and delve deep into that which they call sin.

Notable Relations


  • Jayle - Both Jayle and Kaius are known for their willingness to embrace the ways of the wicked, sharing in their dark knowledge and further enhancing the latter's might of magic.
  • Zaul - Often referred to as fallen disciples of magic, Kaius shares a similar history with Zaul, leading to an twisted alliance between the two practitioners of dark power.
  • Saligia - After he was banished from the sacred halls of the first arcana, Kaius is said to have become a devoted disciple of Saligia and learned much of his mastery under her wing.


  • Garon - The tale of the fallen disciples of magic is a common one in the halls of arcanists and mages alike, one that branded Garon as a rival to Kaius' charge.
  • Cira - Kaius firmly believes in progress through strife and as such cares little for those who seek peace of mind, especially under the vigil of Cira's peaceful eye.
  • Varin - From his eternal charge to his allegiance to the Lower Planes, Kaius is no ally of Varin's strict word of law and swift judgment against those who walk a dark path.


God of Twisted Harmony  


Lord of the Dark Arts
Crimson Symphonist
Disciple of Sin  

Moral Compass

Whim & Goal  


Crossed black horns on fire  


Wisdom to those who walk the darkness  








Halls of the Black Heart


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