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Cira, the Peacekeeper

The Reflection of True Beauty

Cira is known as the Goddess of Serene Grace and is widely accepted as the true leader of the Vaanir Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of the water, beauty, and peace.   It's said that when her master and his powers were locked away in the depths, Cira stepped forward to guide the ancient denizens of Vaan, preventing the elemental plane from being thrown into chaos. Her kindness and love for all creatures who roam the waters of all realms has lead others to see her as a beacon of light towards the future, her soothing elegance and grace like a lullaby for any soul lost in the turmoil of despair.


None but select few deities are said to have laid their eyes on Cira's true form, no known records making any mention as to its nature. Instead, Cira's widely known to bear the most forms of any other deity as her appearance lies in the eyes of the beholder. Each and every soul who lays their eyes on her, no matter the circumstances, will behold the pinnacle of female beauty that rests within the depths of their heart.   Due to this mystically shifting appearance, depictions of her beauty varies greatly across all realms, from elegant elven maidens to even fierce and muscular orc warriors. Many instead choose to make her form one of mystery, depicting her as a dancing sprite shaped by water. Others simply choose to depict her as the flowing waters of the river, washing over the souls in her path with a radiant smile flashing through their minds.


While her appearance can vary greatly, the core of her being remains the same. Cira's well known for being a kind and gentle soul, wishing nothing more than for others to be at peace. She'll often seek out souls individually to soothe their minds, lend her ear to their worries, and lift them out of the pits of despair. Due to the complexities of any one person, she rarely appears before groups of people, devoting herself to a single person at a time.   Although her heart stays true no matter her appearance, she'll take on different mannerisms as required to best connect with those in need of her aid. While some require a delicate touch, others prefer a more stern approach, or the use of cunning to set them on the right path. Some debate that this, along with her shifting appearance, also makes her incredibly devious. Select cultures aren't known to worship her for this reason while others choose a different perspective, believing her capacity for understanding the needs of every soul a true blessing.   Although widely known to be a pacifist, she's not a stranger to hatred and will take up arms if necessary, but prefers leaving such hostility to others if possible. The most common reason for her to fight is to adhere to the beauty of martial strength seen in certain races. Due to her very nature of peace, she actively seeks to end most conflicts, her heart darkening in the presence of war. Similarly, she's known to stand behind women first and foremost, showing no favor towards any who'd mistreat them unjustly.


Above all else, Cira is a peacekeeper and shows great focus in talents considered non-violent. She's one of the most artistic souls among the deities, especially when it comes to music. Her songs are said to be the most soothing and inspiring to behold, but so too are used as one of her primary means of defending herself. In the presence of danger, her melodies can soften blows and incapacitate enemies, limiting their threat first and foremost for her allies to subsequently subdue them.   All of her artistic skills work in a similar fashion. From her graceful dancing to sculptures made from flowing water, each one holds the power to hinder combat and protect her allies. Should she be forced to take direct action she'll wield a powerful staff, her every move the very essence of elegance. With every swing, magic follows in its wake, bolts of piercing streams and crushing whips of water's fury at her beck and call.


The most vocal followers of Cira are the men who praise her for bestowing beauty upon the world. Commonly these are the more shallow souls that most have little patience for. More serious devotees are often artists and bards, or guards keeping the peace within settlements. The vast majority of her followers are female, some devoting themselves to professions associated with their goddess while many others simply look to her for protection and guidance. Many have an unfortunate tendency to only believe the most beautiful women, in their eyes, to wield the true blessings of Cira, no matter the circumstances.   The more artistic souls among her followers often write music but may dabble into other artforms as well. Due to the nature of different cultures, such can include intense percussion and rough chanting but in most societies involve string or wind instruments. Those with martial prowess are known to be calm and elegant fighters, waiting for the enemy to strike and turn their strengths against them. Regardless of their path, her followers often train in, or around, rivers and lakes. Many like to travel and take in the beauty of the world around them, as well as seek to bring peace to any burdened souls they may come across.  


  • Beauty comes in all forms. Judge not the eyes of another and be a guide for their joy.
  • Bring about a peace of mind and soul to all lost in the shadow of despair.
  • Be as the flowing waters and shape yourself to become your best self.

Notable Relations


  • Zynnah - Zynnah and Cira share many of the same oaths to life, standing united as one in seeking to bring about peace and love to the children of the World Tree.
  • Erima - Stories speak of Erima as a motherly figure to Cira, the gentle nature of her flame as guiding light and source of peace for the maiden of water.
  • Alarriel - Cira's graceful style of combat is said to have been taught by Alarriel, both of a similar heart in using battle as a last resort to bring an end to conflict.


  • Ossara - Despite Cira's belief that beauty takes on many forms, she finds the undead particularly unsettling and wishes Ossara would embrace her true beauty.
  • Nazaala - As a common guardian of womanhood, Cira holds little favor towards Nazaala due to his many careless and disrespectful followers' horrid behavior.
  • Izrir - Long have Cira sought to guide the dark heart of Izrir down a brighter path, his incessant cruelty and theft of others having left a stain on her heart.


Goddess of Serene Grace  


Maiden of the Lake
Voice of Tranquility
Mistress of Divine Peace  

Moral Compass

Conscience & Goal  


Sapphire mirror  


Peace of mind wash over you  








The Lake of Hearts


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