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Korelin, the Empress

Empress of the Elements

Korelin is known as the Goddess of Elemental Dominance and is the leader of the Pharosso Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of fire, dominance, and the elemental planes.   Long before mortals walked Gailardia, it's said that a war for the elemental planes raged for eons. Rising above all others were Korelin, wielding unrivaled mastery over the flames of Phaross, ascending to become its ruler and command all other elements beneath her. She was the first elemental to wield divine power, watching over her empire from a throne of blood with all four elements within her grasp.


Korelin is known to be an imposing figure, her darkened skin clad in flames weaving across her body. Parts of her body and her cloven legs are covered in scorched fur and her fiery horns form her elemental crown. When required, she'll don her blackened armor but more often than not she prefers simple attire while maintaining her regal and intimidating aura, her flames shifting to form new clothes as she sees fit.   Some choose to depict her in a mortal avatar but such is only done with incredible care. Regardless, she's always depicted as a mighty empress clad in regal armor surrounded by flames. Others who seek a more mysterious image make her out to be the element of fire itself, often in the form of a furious firestorm, consuming all in its wake as whips of flame reach out to burn her enemies to ash.


Commanding great strength in both body and mind, Korelin is well known to stand firm in her actions and never backs down before anyone else. She's a relentless force who'll stop at nothing to achieve her goals, no matter what or how long it takes. As such, she's also incredibly patient, which often comes as a surprise to many. Whether it's regarding her own plans or watching someone prove their worth, she'll gladly sit back and watch events unfurl before her.   Although her patience remains great, so too is she quite capable of unleashing her fury upon all who displease her. Any who fail to respect her rule are crushed without mercy, granting no second chances to redeem themselves. Her word is law and those who disobey are nothing but ash in the fiery winds of her domain. Those who prove especially defiant are said to be forced into submission by her own hand.   Regardless of her cruel and ruthless ways, she holds great value in those who prove their might by displaying strength in either character or skill. Nothing pleases her more than to witness someone rise above their peers and take control of their own destiny. Similarly, she despises those who rely only on others or fail to take charge of their own lives, as such lacks ambition and is a display of weakness in her eyes.


Korelin is widely believed to be second only to the Draconic Lords, her strength forged through sheer will and determination to conquer all before her. Her command over the element of fire allows her to turn entire regions into ash with a wave of her hand. Her dominance is even said to turn bodies of water to steam by simply stepping near them.   Her martial strength is also among the greatest of all the deities, using her whips to burn or trap her enemies, should they manage to survive her scorching strike. Her mind is similarly an unstoppable force, allowing her to force those beneath her to do her bidding and bend them to her will. Those branded by her powers are forever forced to serve, eternal agony shaping them to grow stronger within her ranks.


Any and all elemental beings pay homage to Korelin in some capacity, as doing anything less is considered blasphemy and brands them a traitor. However, such practice is quite minor in most of these cultures, only remaining truly prevalent amongst those born of fire. Sorcerers are others wielding innate arcane powers are her most common followers. Another well known group of people are the slave traders who still navigate the criminal underworld, certain crime lords and even well known public leaders also known to favor her iron fist.   Although some look to her for inspiration, not all do so with any intent to step over those beneath them. But her most devoted followers often remain quite selfish and focus solely on their own goals. Even if such people work remain honorable in service of their people, they're more likely than not to abandon others if they have no more use to them. Many warlords of the past have been followers of Korelin, seeking to claim territory or stand against the nations of the world. If ever you see one of her followers on the road, you can be certain that they're in search of great power.  


  • Nothing is impossible for the impossible is but another milestone to conquer.
  • Those who linger and wallow are but slaves to the ambition of others.
  • Power is freedom. Rise up, take control, and you shall be a servant of none.

Notable Relations


  • Harakhos - Despite their apparent opposition within the elemental forces, Korelin is said to hold an utmost respect for Harakhos and refuses to stand against him.
  • Janaina - The stories of how Janaina has mastered the draconic powers are an inspiration in Korelin's eyes, a feat she hopes others will strive towards.
  • Saligia - Korelin has little love for those among her fellow deities who govern others, but she holds favor towards Saligia's accomplishments and unwavering heart.


  • Rhea - Few are said to pay much heed to Rhea's existence, yet Korelin is one known for her determination in learning more about the heart of the World Tree.
  • Lyon - As the most common deity attributed with supreme rule, Lyon is the primary quarry of Korelin's desire for ascension and rule over all of Divinity.
  • Varin - Ever seeking to rise beyond her current station, Korelin's current goal is to stand above Varin before she sets her eyes on their Draconic masters.


Goddess of Elemental Dominance  


Prime Ascendant
Queen of Blood
Mistress of the Iron Whip  

Moral Compass

Temptation & Goal  


Flame wrapped in black chains  


Glory to the flames of dominance  








Throne of the Elements


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