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Loren, the Frostwarden

Guardian of the Frozen Silver

Loren is known as the Goddess of the Moonlit Night and is the champion of the Vaanir Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of the moon, the night, and winter.   It's said that any village who dedicates their favor towards Loren will know no harm during the dark hours of the night. Loren is regarded highly as a defender of those who have no means to do so themselves. Every night, she's believed to wander the realms, watching over the weak with undying devotion. But while her powers are said to be unrivaled underneath the moonlit sky, its cycle holds sway over her strength, forcing her into the form of a mere mortal during the new moon.


Loren's true form has been described in many different ways. Many believe her to be a warrior carved from ice, others claim her to have been shaped by liquid silver, and some choose to believe her a being born of moonlight who rose from a holy spring. Regardless of the form that lies underneath, she's always clad in a suit of armor, which commonly retains the same design: an ethereal blue set of plate armor, lined with silver and radiating an icy aura that will freeze her enemies in their tracks.   Her armor's appearance has been confirmed by many throughout the ages. Many have claimed to bear witness to her presence at the break of dawn, watching her depart after carrying out her charge, the morning sun glistening against the icy dew upon the grass that surrounded her. She always carries her halberd at her side, forged from the silvery light of the moon and clad in a layer of winter's chill.


Loren's most well known quality is her undying dedication to her charge and loyalty towards those who look up to her. Nothing to her is more important than protecting those who cry out for her aid, which many believe to be the reason she only does so at night, leaving herself drained during the day. This devotion to her duty is said to be the true source of her power, her will one of the strongest and most pure among all the deities.   However, despite how it's widely believed that she has little to no power during the day, or when the new moon soars across the sky, she has been known to lend her aid regardless. Even when her powers are said to be comparable to a mere mortal, she still goes out of her way to fight wherever she's able. As such, she's widely considered one of the most loyal deity when it comes to her charge, which also leaves her with many devoted followers in turn.   Believing in justice, she also grants her enemies a chance to stand down and renounce their wicked ways, only pushing the attack when they disregard her mercy. Her heart is thought to be pure and kind, even in the presence of the most vile souls imaginable. However, despite her merciful ways, she has no love for those who seek harm upon others, only showing kindness as an act of loyalty to her oath, in truth wishing nothing more than to rid all realms of the evil that lurks in the darkness.


Loren's powers are widely considered to be drawn from the cycle of the moon, the full moon said to make her unstoppable while the new moon, or daytime, leaves her without any real divine powers. Regardless of her lack of divinity, she remains a master of martial combat, her weapon of choice being her halberd. Her armor is said to have become part of her, making her movement seamless despite the frozen metal surrounding her.   Without her divine powers at her side, she's not thought to have a strong grasp on magic. But as soon as the moon shines down upon her, she commands both the grace and fury of its light. Her will can shatter her foes and leave them broken before her, as well as safeguard those around her with ease. However, despite the powers she wields, Loren greatly favors the direct approach that comes from martial combat, using her magic only when necessary.


Many hamlets and villages without the means to defend themselves, or the protection of other deities, are known to devote themselves completely to Loren's kindness. While evil may strike from time to time, they trust that justice will be served as the moon shines upon the night sky. Those who seek her guidance and strength are also found within unique orders of knights and even druidic circles worshipping the moonlight. Although some may come to blows with those who devote themselves to others, many more aim to work with them, lending their silver radiance and offensive expertise to those who might otherwise focus on defensive measures.   While most deities often have a handful of true devotees and also receive the prayers of the common man, Loren has very few who only pay her occasional tribute. As her followers often come from villagers will little else to rely on, they're taught to always pay their full respects on a daily basis. Meanwhile, any mage or warrior in service of the moon also pledge themselves to their goddess, leaving very little room for the more flimsy worship seen towards her fellow deities. It's common for Loren's followers to travel the realms, standing up for the weak and seeking to right the wrongs of the world wherever possible.  


  • Strive to achieve your best. Even a single life touched is an admirable goal.
  • Stand vigilant in the darkest hour and let the smallest of lights guide your heart.
  • Steel yourself for what lies before you and you shall know no fear.

Notable Relations


  • Ashnard - Loren is said to have been one of Ashnard's most devoted disciples, studying under his wing to become one of the most powerful knights across the World Tree.
  • Nox - Nox is one of Loren's most trusted allies, the two often favored as twin deities in many settlements to ensure their protection throughout all hours of the day.
  • Auros - Serving to protect against the harsh days of winter, Loren favors the assistance of Auros' blazing wings to strike those who wield frost with ill intent.


  • Ossara - The dark of night is home to many creatures of dread and horror, including the undead hordes of Ossara who must contend with Loren's blade.
  • Baharan - Striving for peace, Loren fights only to protect those in need and has no love for any who fight for revelry or gain, such as Baharan and his legions.
  • Lyn - Devilkind often rear their wicked heads in the dead of night in service of Lyn, to which Loren stands ready to strike down any whose schemes would disturb the peace.


Goddess of the Moonlit Night  


Champion of the Frozen Moon
Guardian of Winter's Grace
Warden of the Night  

Moral Compass

Oath & Conscience  


Crescent moon overlapping a frozen full moon  


Rejoice in the moon's light  








Sanctum of the Twin Moons


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