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Baharan, the Forgemaster

Master of the Molten Legions

Baharan is known as the God of Eternal Warfare and serves as the champion of the Pharosso Pantheon.
He is considered the god of forges, war, and industry.   In the wake of his mistress' ascension, Baharan rose through the ranks in service of her rule. His will and strength would prove greater than any other and see him stand beside her as champion and master of war. It's said that his forces never rest, knowing only war as they lay siege to all other realms one by one in the service of his charge: to strengthen the world tree and its denizens for the coming of the Void.


Baharan towers above most of his fellow deities, his true form that of a fiery giant. Flames roar along his body, his very features born of its essence as fire turns to magma. Clad in armor, he stands as a molten pillar of metal and stone, his very skin searing at its core with volcanic fury. Along his belt he keeps his many tools for the forges of war, while his shattering hammer is never far from reach.   His mortal avatars often take the form of the northern races, from dwarves to orcs depending on who carved his visage. These retain his molten features, inspiring awe and fear in most. Depending on the circumstances, his form is either that of a mighty warrior or a forgemaster, ever hard at work creating new weapons for his armies.


Knowing little passion for anything but war, Baharan is ever at odds with one force or another. His way is a trial by combat, always seeking to do battle and grow stronger through victory or defeat alike. Nothing brings him more joy than to stand against a mighty foe who can push him past his limits, seeing growth through conflict as the most powerful tool in any warrior's arsenal.   However, despite his incessant need to do battle, he seeks not to be cruel. No matter the devious or foul tactics he might employ, he never wishes to harm those who stand no chance of victory. Any innocents harmed unnecessarily only sparks his rage, personally striking down those who fail to uphold his code of war. Should any force lack the power to do battle, he'll warn them of his coming, allowing them to prepare for the dawn of war.   Much like his armies, Baharan knows little rest in his charge. If not commanding his forces or fighting alongside them, he continues to work his forges to craft new arms and soldiers. His desire to create new tools of war has also made him a beacon for industry to further fuel his passions. His diligence is greatly respected by many, along with his mercy towards the ill-prepared, making him one of the more noble souls despite his selfish desires.


Baharan is first and foremost a warrior, his martial prowess surpassed only be select few deities who stand above him. Even fewer can match his sheer strength, despite their otherwise superior skill in battle, his hammer able to shatter mountains in a single blow. His knowledge of war also makes him a master of tactics and strategy, able to stand before any foe no matter the rules of engagement.   His mind also bears the mark of a creative soul, allowing him to forge any and all types of armaments for himself and his allies. While his skills in magic are limited, he still wields immense power to turn the tides of battle should his hand be forced. Physical combat remains his primary method of war, rarely wishing to use tricks or deceit to get an upper hand on his opponent but willing to do so if it'll assure his victory.


The most well known followers of Baharan are the @orcs, among which many favor his thirst for war. In fact, several of the northern races take kindly do different aspects of Baharan's domains. However, only some are known to truly devote themselves to his service. These people are often the commanders of great armies, but even among them you'll find warmongers with little care for honor. This leaves him with several followers but only few who truly follow his guidance to the letter. The truly devoted are commonly soldiers and warriors within individual armies, rising to stand above the rest. These devout souls are the men and women who respect the art of war but often never seek it. While they know well enough to head into battle when all else fails, they remain honorable and seek to end the conflict swiftly and without unnecessary violence. While others who look to Baharan for strength care only for blood and glory, those who earn his favor are the ones with strength in both body and soul. Even if many of such followers care only for themselves in the end, fighting for recognition in service of their people, they maintain their code of war and service to those who command them.


  • Strife leads to strength. Through hardship we grow strong enough to endure all.
  • Be prepared. Success comes through the proper tools and knowledge of the path before you.
  • Together we stand strong. Work hard as one to make the world a better place.

Notable Relations


  • Nergal - As a soul devoted to the pursuit of strength and might, Baharan looks to Nergal for inspiration and guidance as a warrior on his eternal charge.
  • Zell - Baharan and Zell are considered both friends and rivals, the two champions endlessly devoted to their elemental masters and equal in warrior's spirit.
  • Alarriel - Few can claim to hold a candle to Baharan's mastery of the forge, Alarriel being his only equal in the art of crafting bladed weaponry fit for Divinity.


  • Ossara - Although Baharan often seeks war and conflict, he believes firmly in honor of combat and staying true to one's word, unlike Ossara and her army of undead.
  • Cira - Cira's charge directly stands in opposition to Baharan, the two often at odds as one seeks to halt the other from their advances.
  • Varin - Devoted to his charge and empress alike, Baharan's forces are primarily targeted towards Varin's realms and his unbending rule of law.


God of Eternal Warfare  


Iron Fist of Domination
Lord of Giants
Fury of Molten Blood  

Moral Compass

Oath & Temptation  


Anvil bathed in flames  


Strength & Honor  








The Primordial Forge


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