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Lyn, the Mistress of Nightmares

Whisper of the Heart's Desire

Lyn is known as the Goddess of Night's Passion and serves as the first pillar of the Therion Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of devils, lust, and pacts.   It's said that Lyn was the first to ascend the first pillar of the Nether and has since maintained her position of power to this day and age. When rebellion came to her doorstep, she chose to make a deal: to serve eternally if her new mistress could defeat the forces of the Aether. Forced to honor her pact, she maintained her rule but through eternal servitude, her fury never fading for a single instant.


Lyn is widely known to take the form of an extraordinary beauty, regardless of the shape she chooses. Whether it's her true devilish form or a mortal avatar fit for her next deal, she consistently makes herself stand out as one of the most alluring beings possible. Her true form is said to bear blackened wings with claws, her horns and tail smooth and black while her body shifts from dark scales to skin as soft as silk.   However, stories speak of her true form being much more horrifying. Once her fury's let loose, she takes on a truly monstrous form, her fangs and claws coated in venomous blood. But such depictions have never been uncovered, the tales only told in select ancient texts. As such, and to avoid her ire, all depictions maintain her beautiful and seductive visage, often clad in the jewels of royalty.


Much like her appearance is lead to believe, Lyn is one of the most charming and alluring deities. Many have fallen prey to her charms, Lyn showing little regard to using beauty to gain exactly what she wants. She will often seek out desperate souls in order to persuade them into making dark deals, using them to gain riches and power to serve her own ends and see others perish beneath her.   Lyn holds no love for others, serving only herself in her charge to aid others in achieving their goals and live out their dreams. This has given her a dangerous reputation, most knowing well enough to never strike a deal with her or her followers. While the mortal races are her most common victims, she's also said to make deals with lost souls of the Aether and her fellow fiends on the Nether.   However, while often making deals that rarely seem worth it, she always honors her deals should the other party perform their part to the letter. Regardless, she'll often look for a way to hinder them in their task, without going against her own word. Depending on the deal at play and their methods in besting her game, she may either offer her deepest respect for their cunning, or wish nothing but suffering upon them for outplaying her, especially if they succeed in protecting themselves from her future wrath.


It's said that Lyn has the power to grant any wish, for a price. While select others may wield such power without much consequence, Lyn's gifts are bound by her pacts with others. Rarely wishing to aid anyone, she weaves her devilish contracts with utmost care, using her vast cunning and manipulative mind to best guarantee an outcome that favors her and her alone. She can even alter the dreamscape of her victims to further persuade them to seek her out.   With her alluring image and personality, Lyn is widely known to be one of the most powerful wielders of enchantments. Many believe most of her followers simply under her spell as she twists their minds into her servitude. She much prefers using her magic to make others do her job for her, only engaging directly when her true wrath is summoned. While also known for a great many other talents, some believe her skill to be the workings of illusions and enchantments only.


Lyn's followers are often avoided by most as it's well known to avoid any dealings with the devil herself. As such, her followers will likely keep their allegiance hidden to avoid scaring away their clients. The most common people who turn to Lyn's guidance are merchants likely connected to the criminal underbelly or individuals who make a living in the red light districts of the world. They'll often have something to offer those who step too close, drawing them in with alluring words and shimmering wonders until their prey is caught in the web.   While not all of her followers are necessarily the most attractive individuals, a vast majority make it a key effort to look presentable and appealing to the people around them. They're often incredibly manipulative and are adept at navigating the fine lines between the law to abuse it for their own ends. Select few are known to disregard their own deals while most remain true to their word, even if their prey outsmart them in turn. Many settle in the shady corners of civilization and love to prey on travelers while others move from place to place until their name and face are forgotten elsewhere.  


  • Word is law. A deal signed is a pact forged in the eyes of Divinity itself.
  • Let loose the soul's breath lest you choke on the lost comforts of indulgence.
  • None are beyond the pleasures on high so long as they have the will to seize their chance.

Notable Relations


  • Jayle - Many souls have lost themselves due to the influence of Jayle, much to Lyn's pleasure as she finds them to be easy pickings, leading to a close partnership.
  • Ossara - Although she does not share the same respect for honoring her deals, Ossara stands as an ally and partner to Lyn as they share in their knowledge of lost souls.
  • Kaius - Often dealing in curses and taboos, Lyn has long maintained a close bond with Kaius and shared in his passion for the dark arts and how they twist the soul.


  • Kaileena - One of Lyn's most well known moments to strike is during sleep, for which she has earned the ire of Kaileena, always attempting to halt her advance.
  • Ylora - Lyn finds the very existence of Ylora equal to the stench of decay, believing her virtuous disposition to be an atrocity and shackle upon all of life.
  • Saligia - The rivalry between Lyn and Saligia is a secret to none, the former eternally seeking to seize the throne of the demon who once forced her to kneel.


Goddess of Night's Passion  


Midnight Enchantress
Queen of Devilkind
Mistress of Desire  

Moral Compass

Oath & Temptation  


Seductive red mask  


Savor always your deepest passion  








The Citadel of Desires


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