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Kaileena, the Dancing Dreamer

Daughter of the Eternal Skies

Kaileena is known as the Goddess of the Fleeting Heart and holds the fifth seat on the Aalynien Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of dreams, whimsy, and the weather.   Born from the love of Zynnah and Zell, it is said that Kaileena came to be from the clouds she would come to govern. Caring like her mother but with the temper of her father, she aids the kind while punishing the cruel by commanding the gifts of the skies. So strong are her emotions that she must often slumber amidst her clouds, blessing Mortalkind with dreams of tranquility as if they too were drifting across the night skies in a state of serene peace.


Stories of Kaileena's love and admiration for her mother has many often depicting her in a similar fashion. She is often clad in similar clothing, woven as if from the clouds and summer skies themselves. However, she's more commonly made out to appear like a young woman, her shimmering hair flowing freely in the wind. This has made for many curious circumstances where Kaileena appears older than many of Zynnah's depictions but most pay it little mind. Others simply make her out to appear taller as part of her father's heritage.   Her true form is believed to be purely elemental, taking on the form of a fleeting white cloud. But through her emotions can her shape change its color, growing darker as she turns to anger or sadness. Those who have claimed to see her in their dreams also like to describe her as a ray of sunlight. It is believed that when she walks among mortals, she takes on a youthful, but mature form, walking with a graceful gait and appearing noble in her attire.


Kaileena is widely considered to take on the familiarities of her parents. She is a kind and caring goddess, ever seeking to aid those with similar hearts. Some would say she is kind to a fault and at times naively so, devoting herself to the care of others to the point where if she fails to provide for even a single soul, her tears pour from the skies and give rise to rainy seasons.   But unlike her mother, she holds no love for the cruel and wicked. Those who care only for themselves hold no place in her heart and she will actively seek to ruin their lives with harsh weather. Many have since used this knowledge to ascertain the true self of their masters, claiming lords to be unkind if their lands know only misery from drought or endless rain. Similarly, if ever the home of a lone master is cloaked in dark clouds, most take it as a warning from Kaileena to avoid such a wicked place.   Much like the shape of the clouds, Kaileena's heart is quite fleeting. In the span of but a few moments can she skip across the skies with joy, only to feel her heart shatter in sadness and turn to rage in response. Only in her sleep does she know peace and quiet from the chaos of her emotions, radiating a quiet serenity to anyone blessed to share in her land of dreams amongst the clouds.


Kaileena commands the weather at will, guiding the clouds to serve her wishes. Whether to disperse them to bring sunlight to the lands below, or bring them together in preparation for the gifts of the sky. Although she does command the power to create storms, her focus is more on heavy amounts of rain, snow, or hail rather than raging winds alongside it. These gifts also lend to her abilities as a sorceress, said to support others with conjuration and enchantment.   Her magical gifts also make her a mistress of the mind, allowing her the ability to bring peace to her allies and command her enemies to cease their wicked ways. Her command over dreams allow her to bestow visions on others and bless them with tranquility for the coming days. Kaileena is not thought to be one for martial combat but does possess a long spear said to reach down from the heavens to strike down anyone she deems cruel beyond repair.


Kaileena is not thought to have a particularly large following but nonetheless holds significant power due to her domain. Many are known to pray for fair weather, from farmers and merchants to soldiers and nobles. Similarly, she is quite popular in many homes and especially with children and parents wishing them pleasant dreams at night. This grants her great faith from across the world but few are truly devoted to her. Those that do are often mages seeking to command the weather in favor of their allies.   Regardless, her common presence as a household deity leaves a mark on many. As a child born of love, she is often the subject of tales and lullabies told by parents to their own kids. This makes her one of the first deity that many are introduced to and grants her greater ability to bless mortals with her powers. Due to her range of emotions, she is also widely associated with people who find themselves victim to their own hearts, suffering from the turmoil of emotion brought forth by intense anger or sadness.  


  • Seek the serenity of your mind's rest.
  • Embrace your dreams. Leap forth in pursuit of that which will lighten your spirit.
  • Make of each day what you desire. No day shall sour unless you let your heart despair.

Notable Relations


  • Zynnah - Eternally devoted to her mother, Kaileena constantly seeks to follow Zynnah's example of a loving and gentle soul to prove herself a true goddess of the winds.
  • Ghenn - Kaileena maintains a joyful demeanor towards Ghenn due to his positive outlook, dedicated spirit, and kind heart towards the gifts of the heavens which bless his crops.
  • Taralon - As another deity said to guide wayward souls through their dreams, Kaileena considers Taralon a dear friend and happily lends her power to support him in his charge.


  • Ossara - With a particular love for elegance and joyful aesthetics, Kaileena is widely believed to find both Ossara and the undead she commands particularly revolting and disturbing.
  • Sarym - Sarym is widely known for seeking great pleasure in rough weather and storms, which in turn leaves Kaileena displeased due to his frivolent nature towards her father's domain.
  • Lyn - Kaileena abhors Lyn with all her being, revolted by her manipulative schemes and the intrusive nightmares she weaves in the minds of those troubled and consumed by dark thoughts.


Goddess of the Fleeting Heart  


Child of Love & Thunder
Heart of the Storm
Sleep's Embrace  

Moral Compass

Whim & Conscience  


Sleeping pegasus  


May the morning dew ease your sorrows  








The Palace of Dreams


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