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Mateus, the Harbinger of the End

Calamity of the Infinite Void

Mateus is known as the God of the Infinite Void and is referred to as the Harbinger of Ends.
He is considered the god of the Void, calamity, and aberrations.   Known only through horrific visions and living nightmares, Mateus is said to be the embodiment of the Void itself. Scouring the Infinite Void, he feasts upon the manaborne worlds of the cosmos, bringing an end to all light and leaving nothing but darkness in his wake. Lurking in the darkest corners of the realms, his minions prepare for the day the great eye descends upon the world tree, nothing but divine balance said to hold the power to stop him.


Only ever appearing in visions of the end of days, Mateus has taken on many forms of annihilation. To some his coming was in the form of a great meteor, others saw him as an incurable plague, or simply a dark veil across the sky, blocking out the sun and stars alike. Select few even saw him in the form of a dark warrior from another world, clad in the Void made manifest with red eyes of malice.   However, many have been said to witness a shared vision, Mateus taking on the form seen most commonly on ancient depictions. This horrid form is nothing but a great eye, bleeding red with a dark core at its center. Lining the eye are endless chasms of colossal black fangs, as if the eye's gazing out from inside the maw of darkness itself. Such depictions remain hidden in dark vaults, those who look upon them said only to summon the beast even faster.


Most believe that Mateus is a being without individuality. Instead, he's seen as nothing more than a ravenous beast, only ever following his dark instincts to bring destruction through his unending appetite. This is especially founded in the terrifying roars heard by those who've had the displeasure of receiving visions of the dark god. While some believe it to be an unknown language of the Void, many interpret the sounds as nothing but the horrid sounds of a monster.   Those who look past the monstrous appearance believe him to be a ruthless and merciless being, letting nothing stand in his way. Legends speak of his twisted minions, select few wielding thoughts and emotions, leading others to think that their master possess the same qualities. Such people believe him a slavemaster, forcing all to submit to his will and prepare manaborne worlds for his arrival.   Some claim him to be a lost god, corrupted by the Void to serve as its champion, his fellow deities scattering throughout the cosmos to live out eternity in peace. Regardless of his origins, he's an adamant foe of mana's light, never resting in his search to devour its warmth and radiance. Only by corrupting mortals to guide his path may he ever succeed in achieving his goal of leaving all worlds in darkness.


Widely considered to be the master and origin of the Void, he commands its dark powers with ease. His mere touch is said to drain the light from anyone before him, their soul annihilated to become fuel for his darkness. As a being of the Void, his very flesh can create new minions to serve his will, acting as extensions of his power but more powerful terrors being harder to manifest without enough light consumed.   While not one to wield mana, his avid consumption of the light allows him to replicate its power. Such spells are believed to be dark reflections, bringing only death and destruction with its cold and lifeless grasp. Said to wield a dark blade, it's believed that he can shatter worlds in a single blow, but is only used if absolutely necessary so he may savor the taste of the mana contained within. All legends speak only of his infinite strength, the only counter being true balance of divinity to empower the light and push him back.


Mateus is one of the few deities whose followers are likely to be executed should their divine allegiance be discovered. In fact, most cultures only know him as a calamity and won't allow him to be associated with even some of the worst deities of Gailardia. With no room for his followers within the light, they instead turn to cults in hidden depths and some of the most desolate regions of the world. Most of his followers are thought to have been swayed by wicked words to join his cause, many having suffered great traumas in the past with no light left to guide them.   Despite the horrors that most think of when Mateus is brought up, his followers leave a surprisingly small mark on the world around them. Though they might attempt to share their message with others, they often keep to themselves, remaining hidden and simply await the end of days. Most are content in knowing that all life will one day cease to exist and so merely go about their lives with little worry for what tomorrow might bring. Those who wander the lands are often devoted disciples, searching for ancient fragments of darkness to empower and unleash upon the world to call forth their dark master.  


  • Embrace the inevitable. To accept the end is to be free of the shackles that bind you.
  • Look to the darkness for within its infinity lies the wisdom to shape reality.
  • Avert your eyes from the light and you shall see the false truth of those who claim themselves righteous.

Notable Relations


  • Jayle - As the twisted master of the shadows, stories speak of Jayle often lending his realm to Mateus' minions and followers as a safe haven from the astral light.
  • Zhaarn - With but a few supposed allies amongst the light, many claim that Zhaarn works alongside Mateus, the former seeking to pave the way for Mateus' wrath.
  • Izrir - Some believe that Izrir's manipulative mind is one woven from the darkness of Mateus, his schemes but a taste of the Void's true horror and evil.


  • Rhea - Mateus' sole desire is to seek out Rhea and consume her light, using its splendor to grow stronger and annihilate all that she has ever wrought throughout the World Tree.
  • Lyon - Due to Lyon's common stature as a supreme deity, it is widely believed that he is one of Mateus' main oppositions in his search for Gailardia and its realms.
  • Varin - Any who would call themselves a champion of the light is an enemy in the eyes of Mateus, who eagerly looks forward to the day he may snuff the light from Varin's eyes.


God of the Infinite Void  


The Final Calamity
Master of the Void
Horror of the Dark Prophecies  

Moral Compass

Temptation & Goal  


Bleeding black eye with red iris  


May the doom of all bring you peace  








Eternity's End


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