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Sunken Darklands

The Sunken Darklands are the forsaken regions of the Orenian continent.   Withered and gray since before the mortal races walked these lands, life is rare in this desolate corner of the world. Once the domain of exiled elves, humanity has since claimed it due to their ancient history. Now a cursed bridge between Rei'Crest and Melloriah, its surrounding areas have been claimed by its darkness. From the sea of corpses and blood to the cursed island of night eternal, many fear the continued spread of these forsaken lands.

Nations and Factions

  • Melloriah - Born from the scraps of exiles, humanity came to be under the harsh guidance of the wyverns. Often the enemy of many, humanity is currently rebuilding from civil war.
  • Lysithia - An island of demonic power, both a home and a prison to the dark elves. Its shores have remained quiet for centuries, leaving many to fear what secrets its lands may hold.
  • Black Cross - With many nations along its shores, these pirates are a scourge on the cursed waters of the Crimson Sea, pillaging even that which has crashed to the depths.
  • Ashen Bloodlords - Hunters and warriors dedicated to a life in the toughest environment, dedicating their lives to the slaughter of the nightmarish creatures often flocking to Vanity's Grave.
  • Order of the Black Sun - Low class citizens of Lysithia working in the shadows to change the world's view of the dark elves, wanting nothing to do with darkened magic.

Major Settlements

  • Caia'Mun - The city of eternal night, rising from the wastes born from overexposure to the Nether.
  • Mylezsha - Military fortress of Melloriah, ever vigilant of any forces that might approach from the west.
  • Fendral's Wrought - Hidden fortress underneath the waters of the Crimson Sea built from the ships of old.
  • Orrak'Maar - Main camp of the Ashen Bloodlords, its barricades stretching across both land and sea.

Notable Locations

  • Crimson Sea - Calm waters shimmering in the night with red light, said to emanate from the blood of the many forces who died in naval battle.
  • Vanity's Grave - Lost even before the birth of elvenkind, the desolate border of Rei'Crest and Melloriah serves as a reminder of a troubled past.
  • Hounding Forest - Cursed forest within Vanity's Grave, housing vast packs of demonic hounds rallying around twisted energies radiating from within the gnarled trees.
  • Eyes of the Abyss - The great craters of Vanity's Grave where Void energies occasionally takes shape, as if each crater cries tears of darkness from a monstrous creature.
  • Galespire Island - Island home of the dark elves where Lysithia took shape, its shores often cloaked in thick fog and its skies darkened by magic of the Nether.

Ruling Powers



Great King Cyril Tyrathion
High Lord Alarrem Nightbane



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