New Damascus Science Authority Organization in Galactic Hegemony | World Anvil
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New Damascus Science Authority

The New Damascus Science Authority is the Milky Way Galaxy's leading organization for scientific and engineering research. They are responsible for the Extra-Galactic Observatory, the design and programming of quIRK using parts from Dynamo Quantronics of Kanadia Prime.   They are also constructing an observatory to study the Crab Nebula at Ithaca. The new computer installed there, Odysseus, is one of the most powerful ever created, outshining even quIRK.

Public Agenda

The agenda of the New Damascus Science Authority is to fill the void in scientific research left by Earth's loss 200 years ago.


  • The Extra-Galactic Observatory
  • quIRK
  • Ithaca Station and Odysseus


The New Damascus Science Authority was established soon after the loss of Earth, with the intention of preventing another Dark Age for humanity.

Technological Level

The New Damascus Science Authority is the leading pure science authority in the Milky Way Galaxy. Cataloging astronomical phenomena is a particular interest of theirs. They prefer to leave much of the engineering and computer studies to Dynamo Quantronics and Kanadia Prime's laboratories.


The New Damascus Science Authority skirted the The ABACUS Protocol when they designed quIRK, in order to give him more advanced social and computational skills. While obeying the protocol, they also bent it enough to invite disaster.
Expedition, Scientific
Controlled Territories
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