Extra-Galactic Observatory Building / Landmark in Galactic Hegemony | World Anvil
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Extra-Galactic Observatory

The Extra-Galactic Observatory is a deep space research station that's main purpose is to catalogue astronomical phenomena. It was positioned between arms of the Milky Way Galaxy to prevent it from being affected by gravity from nearby stars and planets.   The observatory is run by the New Damascus Science Authority, and administrated by Bryce Zimmer. Vivian Skye is an intern, performing an upgrade on quIRK, the station's computer. Alec Stone is in charge of maintenance, while Robert and Devon are the scientists conducting research on the Newfound Blob.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Extra-Galactic Observatory is to observe astronomical phenomena with two sets of powerful telescopes. At present, it is studying the Newfound Blob, one of the oldest structures in the universe.


Vivian Skye was assigned to perform an upgrade on quIRK, the station's supercomputer. She was later tasked with overhauling the station's communication systems.   Alec Stone assisted Robert and Devon Valdez with upgrades to the telescopes to expand their resolution and power.


The Extra-Galactic Observatory is an egg-shaped station that is a few hundred meters long. There is one long, elliptical corridor that links all of the labs and living quarters. Below the main deck lies quIRK's processing systems and the station's fusion reactor. The general tone of the decor was warm and cream-coloured, and the floors could light up to denote a path to the individual's destination.


The Extra-Galactive Observatory is not open to visitors, as it contains a great deal of sensitive equipment and living quarters for only ten people. It also takes four weeks in stasis to reach the observatory, while communications to New Damascus can take days.
Founding Date
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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