Earth Geographic Location in Galactic Hegemony | World Anvil
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Earth is the originating planet of the Human race. All contact was lost circa 2800, after what has become known as the ABACUS Incident.


Earth used to be a watery planet punctuated by great continents. As of 2800, the water had been reduced to a pulpy toxic sludge at the bottom of the oceans, the rest having evaporated away due to the planet's high heat.


Earth has a very weak exosystem, most of the domed, protected cities are overrun with vermin. Few truly wild animals remain, as little of the outside surface remained habitable.


Sweltering hot, Earth's global warming went out of control centuries ago, leaving the humans unlucky enough to be too poor to leave to shelter in giant domed cities.

Natural Resources

Earth has been stripped bare. All that remains is a plethora of waste that has been generated over the centuries.


Earth had undergone two dark ages since the 21st century. Desperate to colonize the stars and ensure the survival of humanity, Earth's administrators sent out colonists to every planet capable of hosting human life, even tumultuous Aurora and radioactive Nova Albion.   Earth was home to a new type of computer, the ABACUS quantum supercomputer. When ABACUS became sentient, administrators at the Epsilon Eridani Hub cut off Earth's singularity link to the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy, leaving them stranded and alone.    Nothing has been heard from Earth since.


Impossible to reach, nobody has travelled to Earth in 200 years.
Location under


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