Clan Moonrider Organization in Galactus | World Anvil
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Clan Moonrider

The proud black dragonborn of Kethendia, Clan Moonrider lives in the city of Nessira at the base of Moonrider Summit. This clan, like all the Kethendian clans, keeps to itself and rarely makes contact with the outer world.


The home of Clan Moonrider is Nessira, a small city built around the small lake that spills from the Thundercleft. It is governed by a council of elders who have near absolute power over the residents of Nessira. The city was founded when Clan Moonrider escaped from the ruins of Silvermere and traveled north until they found a suitable location. There are several notable locations in Nessira, should an outsider manage to be allowed inside, which include the Council Hall and the shrine for the clan's ancestors.


Clan Moonrider is very proud and stubbornly clings to tradition, however convoluted it may be. One such practice is the coming-of-age ceremony in which newly adult clan members are deposited far to the south by the council and made to find their way back alone within a specified time limit of two weeks. The dragonborn must return in a timely manner or risk expulsion from the tribe. Another tradition is the selection of elders for the council, who are typically the oldest members of the clan, and nearly always male. More often than not, members of the council will select their own offspring to succeed them, making the council one of the most nepotistic institutions in the region. Marriage in the clan is almost always arranged by an individual's parents, and is a complicated process of finding a suitable spouse that will help each family gain a higher status in the clan. Clan Moonrider puts a huge amount of importance in honoring its ancestors and will often perform elaborate yet pointless rituals to do so.

Foreign Relations

Clan Moonrider tends to think of itself as some of the best folk in Galactus. As such, they look down upon other dragonborn clans and especially other races. They are very difficult to interact with and seldom, if ever, allow others to set foot into Nessira. Similarly, members of the clan are not allowed to stray far from the city, much less leave Kethendia and travel to the mainland. In fact, the only members of Clan Moonrider to leave Kethendia since Nessira's establishment are those who have been banished for dishonoring the clan. Clan Moonrider considers the other dragonborn clans to be their sworn rivals, despite seeing no aggression from any of them. On three separate occasions, the clan has been nearly wiped out because they refused to ask for help from others in the face of a plague, a famine, and the attack of a horde of monsters.

Clan Moonrider





Oligarchy, ruled by a council of elders


BV 433

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Moonrider Summit


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