Alys Greenway

House Greenway, a lesser noble family residing in the capital of Skygarde, has a notable history intertwined with the realm's nobility. The Greenways' rise in status began when Alys Greenway, a member of the family, married Marc Skytracer, a cousin of the royal Skytracer family. This marriage alliance not only elevated House Greenway's social standing but also solidified their connection to the royal bloodline, cementing their place within the noble hierarchy.   Originating from a background in the agricultural sector, House Greenway has long been associated with the management of vast estates and fertile lands. They are known for their expertise in land cultivation, agricultural practices, and stewardship of the natural environment. The Greenways have played an instrumental role in ensuring the realm's food security and agricultural prosperity.   The sigil of House Greenway depicts a lush green tree against a golden background. The tree symbolizes the family's close bond with nature, their affinity for agriculture, and their role as guardians of the land. Its vibrant green foliage represents growth, fertility, and abundance. The golden background signifies the family's nobility and connection to the royal Skytracer lineage, symbolizing their aspirations for prosperity and excellence.   Surrounding the tree is a wreath of intertwined wheat stalks, representing the family's agricultural heritage and their commitment to sustainable farming practices. The wheat stalks symbolize fertility, nourishment, and the bountiful harvests that House Greenway strives to achieve.


Marc Skytracer


Towards Alys Greenway

Alys Greenway


Towards Marc Skytracer

Current Location
Marc Skytracer (spouse)