Archloch Archipelago

Huvrad Vom Hopbreaker
  A unique and vibrant area within the Distillery District, known for its diverse collection of island-inspired establishments. The air here carries the refreshing scents of tropical fruits and a hint of sea breeze, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of distant shores. Appearance. Huvrad wears simple work clothes and an apron. A bar towel is draped over his shoulder. He has light brown skin and deep-set brown eyes. His curly black and gray hair is tied in a long braid. He has a long black and gray beard. He is muscular and in good shape. He is 93 years old (adult), 4 ft, 5 in (135 cm) tall, and weighs 150 lbs (68 kg). Personality. He believes it is important to be peaceful and a productive member of society. He believes being correct is more important than having an open mind. He prays to the goddess of fellowship, and his alignment is lawful neutral (LN). Adventure Hook. A noble from a neighboring kingdom has gone missing. If they do not return home safely, it could mean war.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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