Bee Apiary

Buzz Skaldrim The Beekeeper
  A buzzing haven for bees contributing to the sweetness of the district's meads. The air is filled with the delightful scents of honey and the diligent hum of bees, creating a lively ambiance within the apiary. Vohkin who sings of battles past in the main continent of Gaul. He has ruddy skin and blue eyes. He has medium-length thinning, wavy black hair. He is 51 years old (adult), 4 ft, 11 in (150 cm) tall, and weighs 125 lbs (57 kg). Personality. He believes it is important to enjoy life and he just does what feels good. He believes the only one worth being loyal to is yourself. He worships the goddess of gems and autumn, and his alignment is chaotic evil (CE). Adventure Hook. His friend is having a little get-together this evening. The more, the merrier!
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