Arlo Graybore

Buried his mother in the quarry he built in the mudpits of Black Barrow. Cousin of Oli   A flood caused by massive rain destroyed his family quarry mining business and he only stayed afloat by turning his quarry into a swimming hole resort. He was in financial hardship and felt he was dishonouring his family lineage. The Vuul began their expansion into the Jags at this time and Arlo was happy to have them cover his costs as he housed the spellswords. Arlo gained favour with the Protectorate Yssac Oakhand and eventually joined as a Commandant in the army. His military knowledge was lacking but his insight in the Jags made the Vuul's expansion all the easier. Arlo moved up the ranks in financial and social circles over the 8 years since the flood. Arlo now leads an occupying force of Vul'Adnian forces and was the only military leader to take Skygarde until the Hearthic Invasion.   His force was repelled by the mustered forces of the Skygarde Patrollers but this act gained the support of Ivoria in the Fracturing War. The Eastking saw that Skygarde could be taken, so joined to find wealth and prosperity for his people.   dwarf military leader of the Vuul   Arlo Graybore is leading the Vul'Adnian Magistrate army   The Baron of the Council of Lanterns.   Balding, halo of graying now. Has a large ornate beard with brass lanterns woven in. Wields a flail with the heart of a young dragon within.  
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