Dirien Wallace

Brugar is a grand and stately province capital nestled in the heart of the Fjall province of Zoa. The town's population is predominantly Zoan who revere the god Dhara. It is located in an icy and chilly temperate rainforest, where the ancient trees loom tall and imposing. The Harrangur of this place is Dirien, a wise and just leader beloved by the townspeople.   The most striking feature of Brugar is its bustling port, which teems with sailors and traders from all over the world. The scent of saltwater and fish is carried on the cool breeze that blows in from the sea. The port is a hive of activity, with ships coming and going, and goods being loaded and unloaded on the docks.   In the heart of Brugar lies a grand stronghold named Icepoint Hall. It is a formidable fortress that serves as a bastion against any who would threaten the town's safety. The walls are made of solid ice, and it is said that they are so thick that they have never been breached.   The town itself is a mix of bustling streets and grand architecture, with impressive buildings and ornate fountains that harken back to a bygone era. The people of Brugar are friendly and welcoming, proud of their heritage and eager to share their traditions with any who visit.
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