
Settlement leaders of Zoa
  Amidst the vast and unyielding landscapes of Zoa, where icy tundras meet sweeping steppes, stands the figure of the Harrangur. A leader of unparalleled stature, the Harrangur is the guiding force behind each settlement, a beacon of wisdom in a land that demands resilience and unity.
  The Harrangur is not just a leader by title but by action. They navigate the challenges of Zoa's harsh terrains, ensuring that each settlement thrives amidst the seasonal shifts. Adept at understanding the change of the winds and the silent tales of the snow, they lead their people in migrations, hunts, and gatherings, ensuring the community's survival and prosperity.
  In a realm where the spirits of the land and sky are deeply revered, the Harrangur also plays a crucial spiritual role. They invoke ancient ceremonies that honor the forces of nature, drawing strength and guidance from the ancestral traditions that have safeguarded Zoa's people for generations.
  Under the watchful gaze of the Harrangur, the settlements of Zoa stand united, communities bound together by shared values, enduring traditions, and an unwavering determination to thrive in a land of beauty and challenges.