Driord Hunter's Guild

Patron: Nug
  Level 0: Batgoblin Guides The local batgoblins assist in bringing in food in trade for pay and protection.
  Level 1: Cardinalhood Traps More food is secured with the help of the Mainland Rangers and their advanced traps.
  Level 2: Boar Riders Batgoblins take their steeds to efficiently bring in more food for the settlement.
  Level 3: Cold Storage Food no longer goes bad due to a chilled freezer underneath the Guild.
  Description: --- Nestled among the thickets, the guild is a gathering place for Eidon's skilled hunters. Trophies from successful hunts adorn the walls, while tales of daring pursuits and narrow escapes are shared over mugs of fermented brew.
Parent Location
Owning Organization