Driord Morale Statues

Patron: ---
  Level 0: Clay Statues 2 Memoriums (Diggory, Snerz), +Island Happiness
  Level 1: Brass Statues 3 Memoriums (Diggory, Snerz, Tayne), ++Island Happiness
  Level 2: Marble Statues 4 Memoriums (Diggory, Snerz, Tayne, ???), +++Island Happiness
  Level 3: Gold Statues 5 Memoriums (Diggory, Snerz, Tayne, ???, ???), ++++Island Happiness
  Description: --- Scattered throughout Driord, these statues are more than mere stone; they are a testament to the town's spirit and resilience. Each intricately carved figure represents tales of valor, unity, and the indomitable spirit of Eidon's inhabitants.
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