
Stormwake is a coastal duchy known for its breathtaking white cliffs that rise dramatically from the sea, forming an imposing natural barrier against the crashing waves of the Vast Sea. These cliffs, which are made of white chalky rock, are often shrouded in mist and sea spray, giving them an chalky appearance.
  The cliffs of Stormwake are jagged and rugged, with sheer faces that can reach up to a hundred feet in height. They are marked by deep crevices, caves, and narrow ledges that add to their treacherous beauty. The crashing waves constantly batter against the cliffs, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of crashing spray and foamy surf.
  One of the notable features of Stormwake's cliffs is the elusive white raven. These birds are rare and mysterious, with pure white feathers that blend in with the dark cliffs. They are known for their intelligence and uncanny ability to elude capture, making them a symbol of mystery and intrigue in the region. Legend has it that the white ravens are messengers of the Duke of Stormwake, and their appearance is often associated with important events or prophecies.
  Inland from the cliffs, Stormwake's landscape is characterized by dense forests of ancient trees and rugged hills. The forests are thick with towering oaks, pines, and other deciduous trees, some of which are said to be hundreds of years old. The hills are covered in heather and wildflowers, creating a picturesque backdrop to the Duke's castle perched on the cliff's edge.
  The climate of Stormwake is generally mild and temperate, with cool sea breezes and frequent rainfall. The weather can be unpredictable, with sudden storms and gusts of wind sweeping in from the sea, adding to the region's wild and untamed nature.





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