Fiodor Mero

Fiodor Mero is a daijin assassin who knows the swamps. He joined the Green Xotls for the same reason as Gael and Serafina, to raise the merit of his family. He is a tall, muscular man with short, black hair and a thick beard. He wears heavy armor that provides excellent protection in battle. Fiodor is a skilled fighter, wielding a massive greatsword with ease. He is also an expert in survival, able to navigate the dangerous swamps with ease. Fiodor is a man of few words but is fiercely loyal to the Green Xotls.   3 Daijin Assassins Fiodor Mero, Gael Terera, Serafina Cota Part of this to get their families in good favor   Killed by the Shatterbrand in the Xotl Hideout on Zephyr, 212
Current Location
Aligned Organization