Green Xotl Hideout

The Green Xotl hideout on the island of Zephyr is a well-hidden fortress that blends seamlessly into the surrounding rocky terrain. The entrance to the hideout is located in a narrow, winding canyon that leads to the heart of the island. Once inside, the Xotls navigate through a series of twisting tunnels and hidden passages, each guarded by well-trained assassins and traps that are designed to deter intruders.
  The main chamber of the hideout is a massive cavern carved out of the rock. It serves as the primary living and training area for the Green Xotls, and features a variety of amenities including sleeping quarters, kitchens, armories, and training facilities. The walls of the chamber are adorned with intricate carvings and murals depicting the history and traditions of the Xotl people.
  At the heart of the cavern lies the throne room, where the Xotl leader, Krieket, holds court. The room is dominated by a massive stone throne, adorned with intricate carvings and surrounded by torches that cast flickering shadows across the room. Here, Xul-Reth meets with his lieutenants and makes decisions that will shape the future of the Green Xotl faction.
  Outside of the main chamber, the Xotls have constructed a network of smaller caves and tunnels that lead to hidden lookouts and ambush points. These tunnels are used to move troops and supplies in secret, and to launch surprise attacks on enemy forces.
Parent Location
Owning Organization