Green Xotls

Kill squad for the Westking   The Green Xotls are a group of skilled assassins and mercenaries who operate primarily in swamplands and marshes. They are known for their deadly efficiency and their ability to navigate the treacherous terrain of their chosen environment.   The Green Xotls are not a single cohesive organization, but rather a loose coalition of various groups and individuals who share similar goals and methods. They operate primarily in the western regions of the continent, where they are hired by various factions to carry out assassinations, sabotage missions, and other clandestine operations. They are the hit squad for Westking Floki.   The Green Xotls are not aligned with any particular political or religious faction, but they are known to work with a wide range of groups, from criminal organizations to rebel movements to powerful nobles. They are often hired to carry out high-risk missions that require a level of skill and discretion that other groups simply cannot provide.   The Green Xotls are a shadowy and mysterious faction that operates on the fringes of society. They are respected and feared in equal measure, and their reputation for deadly efficiency has made them one of the most sought-after groups of assassins in the land.