Francis Blackwood

A towering and imposing figure with a thick black beard that, adorned with beads and trinkets. His eyes gleam with a ruthless determination, and his deep voice commands respect from his crew. He wears a tattered black coat adorned with bones and teeth, and his peg leg thumps heavily as he strides across the deck of his ship. Blackwood is known for his cunning tactics in battle and his unwavering loyalty to his crew, who would follow him to the depths of Sootha’s Rest.   His ancestor Valtor had succumbed to the curse of the Windy Wailer, aka the Dread Crescent.   A massive, black-hulled galleon adorned with menacing figureheads of sea monsters and draped in tattered, blood-red sails. Captained by the infamous pirate Captain Francis Blackwood, The Turned Tide is known for its ruthless crew and its legendary speed and firepower. Its reputation as one of the most feared pirate ships in the seas has made it a legend among pirates, and it strikes fear into the hearts of anyone who dares to cross paths with it.
Current Location

Character Portrait image: Francis Blackwood