Rictor Blackwood

Father of Francis, killed his own father Valtor when he transferred the curse of the Dread Crescent to himself out of greed.   He sailed as the fastest ship on the Sea but he still was not able to compete with the Kraken. Just as he was to overtake the infamy of the ship, the luck of the Dread Crescent would weigh down on him.   His crew died of sickness, the grief of killing his father led to him trying to solve the curse. He kept a book of his record trying to find the location of the original anchor point of the Dread Crescent   He died in a fight with the Kraken when Morty fired a mortar that the struck the mast. A rogue wave came out of nowhere and broke the mast onto Rictor. His son Francis witnessed the battle and retreated from the Kraken. He held a grudge forever against the famed Mortimer. He would eventually sell the Book of Blackwood to Romulan Mustafic who was researching curses to better his businesses on the sea.
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