Gallow's Sway

Gallow's Sway is a treacherous and notorious pirate cove, this collection of islands are a dangerous and mysterious location that has captured the imaginations of many adventurers and sailors over the years. The islands are shrouded in mist and surrounded by jagged rocks and aged shipwrecks that have claimed countless more ships to be part of the barricade to the Sway. These wooden protrusions from the water have made the way to the center extremely hazardous. The stone towers with torches serve as warnings to newcomers sailing in and guide them to the central hub of pirate activity. Those who dare to approach the islands must navigate a treacherous maze of shipwrecks and submerged debris, all while keeping a wary eye out for lurking pirates who seek to attack before they reach the truce area.   The pirate's truce exists within the Sway, enforced by the legendary pirate Carnyx Steele. The structures of this location are constructed with unique platforms, connecting the outcropping rocks to the long stationary ships that now call this cove their resting place. These buildings are made of salvaged wood and stone, giving them a distinct appearance.   The Sway's bustling retreat is the tavern known as The Sand Bar, which serves as the heart of the islands. Here, pirate captains and sailors escape their troubles, drowning their sorrows and swapping stories of treasures hidden deep within the maze of islands. However, danger lurks around every corner, and the pirate truce is not always adhered to by all pirates. Those that fight with blade or powder, with intent to kill, will be strung from the masts of the ships on your way into Gallow’s Sway.