Gael Terera

Gael Terera is a daijin gaul assassin who knows the swamps like the back of his hand. He joined the Green Xotls to gain favor with the Westking for his family. He is a tall, lanky man with sharp features, a thin beard, and piercing green eyes. He wears dark, leather armor that blends well into the shadows of the swamp. Gael is a quick thinker and an expert in ambush tactics. He is quiet and reserved, but his loyalty to the Green Xotls is unwavering.   3 Daijin Assassins Fiodor Mero, Gael Terera, Serafina Cota Part of this to get their families in good favor   Killed by the Shatterbrand in the Xotl Hideout on Zephyr, 212
Current Location
Aligned Organization