Gryphon's Corner

Familys descended from the bloodlorn war reside here.​

  Tell the bloodlorn chasm folk tale.
  Population: Approximately 480; primarily elf, some halfling. Government: Gryphon's Corners is governed by the priests of the village temple. Notable Places: The Guildhall: A large stone-walled building, decorated with stained glass windows. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local trade guilds. Borgga's Carvings: The workshop of a female elf woodcarver named Borgga, who is rumored to be a noble of the Sidhe Court. A few NPCs: Balli: Male Elf Scofflaw, Evil. Balli is haughty in bearing, with white hair and dark hazel eyes. He wears plain clothing and a pewter amulet. Balli is hunting those who knew him in a previous life of crime. Thorfu: Female Elf Peasant, Good. Thorfu has brown hair and narrow blue eyes. She wears well-made clothing and a wooden holy symbol. Thorfu has a mild allergy to goblins. Bjotga Skolidotr: Female Elf Paladin, Good. Bjotga is heavyset, with braided black hair and sharp hazel eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a glaive-guisarme. Bjotga seeks to discover why she keeps having the same dream. Malmed Gringedotr: Female Elf Paladin, Good. Malmed is tall, with grey hair and amber eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a military pick and shield. Malmed has an animal companion, a bay warhorse named Thari.
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