
Kral A'Huud (a.k.a. Crusher)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong brute ogre with many years worth of bruises and scars. Blue tattoos that he had done by a Caluan artist as to not reveal his skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Yellow Born an albino ogre, seen as a pariah to his race, the unnamed brute ogre was cast aside by his parents. Complications during his birth led to the death of his blade ogre mother and this gave him no chance in the eyes of his blood ogre father. The boy grew strong and quickly, mostly due a Caluan woman who took care of him when she found him abandoned in the sand. She named him Kral. A Caluan name that translated to warrior.  

8 Years Old

  Anastasius raised the forsaken ogre until he was about 8. During this time she was regularly treating a noble ogre warrior known as Au'Run Gullblud. He was undergoing a transformation that was incredibly painful. This ancient rite of passage for Ogres has not been used in many years but Aur'Un was slowly encasing parts of his body in gold adornments. This was a sign of honour as it is said that The Great Uniter Dwi'Thek's body was gold underneath his red skin and warpaint. This is why he was so strong. Aur'Un was told by a deathscrier that he would lead to the ogres uniting together once again. Anastasius saw the passion in this warrior and decided to ask Kral if he wanted to live among his own people. The young boy had looked up to Aur'Un and his quest for glory.   Aur'Un needed the help of the Witch of the Glass Forest so he reluctantly accepted the pariah boy into his ranks, he noted that the child was already stronger than ogres older than him. The first thing Aur'Un did was throw away the Caluan name Anastasius gave him. The Golden Blood Ogre told the boy he had to earn his Ogre name back.   Anastasius cared for the boy and could tell he looked up the the draw of Au'Run. She knew he needed to be with his own race and at the time, she never could have expected Aur'Un to go from seeking gold through honour to seeking coin through power. Very quickly the boy was whisked into the antics of the ever growing faction of Blood ogres. The boy formally known as Kral was only 11 when he took his first life under the tutelage of Au'Run. The boy was good at fighting and this finally made him feel like he had worth. Although the other ogres still looked down on him for his skin, there was an ounce of respect for him when they patted him on the shoulders after a victory.  

15 Years Old

  As the faction of golden clad mercenaries continued to grow, Aur'Un was getting sneers from the other clansmen. They thought Kral being there was a stain on the golden image of Dwi'Thek that they were trying to uphold. In the middle of the night, the teenage ogre was attacked by his teammates, he tried to fend himself off but there was too many of them.   As the commotion woke others in the camp, Aur'Un entered the stone building. The lead Goldsmith saw what was happening around him, he called them all off as the rival ogres looked to their leader to see how he would respond. Aur'Un walked up to the teenage warrior and looked him in the eyes intently. Kral was angry at the others but hopeful to see his mentor. With little hesitation, Aur'Un then began assaulting the brute ogre with his golden fist, kicking him with his gold spiked foot and beating Kral within an inch of his life. The others in the camp were cheering this assault on. Kral tried to fight back but Aur'Un was the strongest of the Bloods. Kral's bones broke underneath the powerful blows of the man he looked up to.   The yellow skinned punching bag was thrown into the hard cold sand of the Caluan night. At this point the entire camp had awoken to the sound of ribs shattering and skulls cracking. Aur'Un stood over his protege's beaten body.   "Do not question how far I will go to uphold the dignity of the Great Uniter. This abomination has stained our family for too long. Today I say this to all of you, you are born in the image of the great Dwi'Thek. Your skin runs red with his power and rage. Today we cleanse our home of this..." He points down at the barely conscious Kral. "This shell of an ogre, this cretin who walks among us, this beast who's blood now stains my knuckles. Begone from this life, you husk!"   And with that Aur'Un Gullblud stomps on the face of the teenage ogre. The impact is felt around the camp as the crowd goes silent. After a short pause the crowd erupts in cheers declaring the brute ogre dead.       Vultures circle the sky as the purple, inflated eye of the ogre on the cusp of death looks upward, abandoned somewhere in the hot desert.   Crusher sat up as pain seared through his body. Bones broken and his temper flaring.   From the distance crept a covered cart led by a few rhinos. The driver became clear as Crusher leapt to try and fight. His anger burned as he saw none other than Aur'Un himself alone on the cart. Crusher's leg was broken so he fell forward. Au'Run helped him up and placed him on the wagon, Crusher was given water as he looked confused at his mentor.   "In the back there is a suit of armour I had commissioned. That, along with a new batch of warriors migrating in three months from the swamps will give you the cover you need to get back into the camp. The armour hides your skin and your size alone will make sure no one bothers you. Together with this new recruitment of bloods we will march on the ancient stronghold of Mir'Dhat and take it for ourselves. Inside there are the tools to emblazon all of us redskins in honourable gold of Dwi'Thek. We will fight off the priests inside and no longer will I have to rely on that witch of yours. Once inside our new home, come to my temple. I will have a job for you. You have three months, don't look injured or they will eat you alive. I am taking you back to that woman who raised you. Remember she is not your mother, you killed your mother by existing. If you do not walk into the Mir'Dhat acropolis in three months and aid us in killing those Sunseekers, I will bring down the entire wrath of my Goldsmith army and shatter that glass forest.   Although he was angry, the yellow skin ogre accepted. Over three months time he was nurtured back to health by his adoptive mother, he left her after telling her to never call him Kral again. He needed to earn his own name from his own people. She was clearly worried but he had made his choice and walked into the Golden Acropolis without even a limp. In the siege the brute ogre gained admiration for his hulking size, which had only increased over the time he took to heal and train. He clapped his hands together and shattered the skull of the Sunseekers leading the counter assault. All bloods witnessed this and cheered. He felt glory and purpose with his own kind cheering him on. The brute ogre walked into the temple unsure if he would try to kill Aur'Run.   The Ogre formally known as Kral walked into the quarters of the man who almost killed him. He thought about crushing Aur'Un but that feeling of victory was something he would not feel again if he acted upon his anger. Aur'Un smugly offered the position of bodyguard to his former protege. "I know you can't kill me in combat. Yet you can defeat everyone else who challenges you. This seems like a good fit as the two of us are unbeatable together."  

25 Years Old

  The Goldsmiths continued to grow as royal merchants saw how efficient the ogres were at combat and protection. The Tombking at the time even hired them out without question as long as Aur'Un allowed the Apostle of the Moon to enter the historic Acropolis to take the supply of Ancestral Ink needed for their religious ceremonies. This was looked down upon by the Celestial Evangelists of the Caluan Desert but Tombking Anubane was not the cultural leader he was supposed to be. The bodyguard became renowned for his efficiency in combat, his strength netted him the nickname Crusher for his tactics against the Sunseeker priests. Crusher has now served as bodyguard to the clan leader for 14 years. He has never been allowed to perform the Golden Rite of Dwi'Thek or gained an official ogre name as Aur'Un won't allow that knowing his true race. Crusher has gotten to the point where he understands the colour of his skin does not allow him to be honourable like his extended blood ogre family.  

On To Clarion

  Crusher was tasked with threatening the Unna Maska of Clarion, Bres Nuada to ship all their Maegon metal to the Goldsmiths. Alchemists can craft gold and Maegon together to create a gnomon material known as lightanium. This viscous gold can be manipulated by a wearer using a Icarian stone or another suitable battery gem. This allows those with practice to change the form of the gold armour to bend to their will. The surplus of Maegon metal is also sought by the Blade Ogre Chieftain Ug-Col'Ek to amplify their lightning magic abilities. The blades are leaving the swamp on request from the Harrowed Incinerin. This leaves the far East section of the Caluan Deasert now being occupied by the Blades, the Bloods and the reigning Tombking of the Hierarch.   During the confrontation in the city of Clarion, the angry witch niece of the Unna Maska attacked the Hollow Priests realizing the Blood Ogres were not going to deliver their shipment of Ancestral Ink. In this confrontation Iona injured Husk with some sort of energy emanating from her clear sickness. Since then he has been seeing projections of astral figures.   His skin now revealed to the blood ogres he travelled with, they turned on him. He escaped into the Undesirable Woods to get away as the city became enveloped in a dome of energy projecting from the Cube of Vlox under the Seeker Vault.   While escaping, Crusher ran into Captain Morty who helped him take care of the large ogre's wounds. Morty had just docked to try and find his childhood friend Alma. As they discussed what was happening around them, Morty started to leave to go help the Clarion population. Crusher saw a way to make his family accept him again and he knocked out Mortimer. There was a high bounty placed on Morty's head by the rich Tung Family.   Crusher escaped towards the desert and ran into the blood ogres he saved from Iona's blast. As he told them who he had captured, they could tell Crusher was injured. The large ogre was looking off behind them mid-conversation as he saw spirits walking around. The bloods took advantage of his disorientation and took the two prisoner in to sell them to the Tung family.   Crusher and Morty discussed their lives as they travelled towards the Tung family garrison of High Guard soldiers. Morty on how he was ready to accept his responsibilities after a conversation with his son and Crusher was having more and more reservations about the formally honourable Aur'Un Gullblud. At this point the captors were mentioning that the Tung family was going to meet them soon. Luckily a friendly ally was also looking for Morty and tracked him to this location in the desert. Ser Anvil broke them out and they defeated the blood ogres. In the fight, both Morty and Anvil are wounded but they carry on and get off the trail. They find a cave and Anvil tells Morty that it is his mission to get the next Highking back to Skygarde, since they will not outrun the mounted Tung knights, Crusher and Morty continue on and Anvil stays to set a trap at the cave entrance.   Morty and Husk make it passed traps and trials. Crusher lifts Morty over rivers of molten gold. this is when he brings up that he had never been allowed to have the Rites of Dwi'Thek performed on him where after a great victory you are gifted with gold adorned skin. Morty thinks the man who mentored him sounds like a terrible person anyways so why does his opinion matter so much. Crusher knows how he was born is what defines who is is meant to be.   Morty begins to tell a story about when he was kicked out of his home. It was because he loved a woman, an elf woman who he met when he was young. The people ridiculed him, elf-lover, misfit prince, third choice child. Morty used that as a weapon to determine who he was. he accepts all races, he led a team of misfits across the ocean, he was never meant to be king but he could be something else, something more.   "Do not let the pigment of your skin define you, you can be anything in this world, you can be better than all of them. They call you a shell of what they are because of your skin, wear that insult like armour. Do not let that seed they planted in your mind bloom, shed that belief. You are not the husk of an ogre, ye can be Husk the ogre."   This got Crusher thinking more about where he stands then ever before, no one besides Anastasius ever made him believe he could be anyone. His own race beat him down, his father abandoned him, maybe he could be better than all of them.   As they reached the end of the cave they were attacked and captured by water elementals. They were being controlled by a distraught child djinn who once protected the Inkwell Chamber at the Acropolis. Kastoo recognized Crusher and immediately panicked, remembering the beating this creature received from Aur'Un to leave the Inkwell Chamber so it remains locked.   Morty and Crusher were saved by the Shatterbrand who was hunting Morty and the water Djinn.


Kral learned what he could until he was 8 living with Anastasius. The ways of Calua, he learned of the Deathscriers and the connection to the ancestors as well as how the cosmos works. Once he left with his own kind, he quickly learned how the clans of ogres have a storied history of unification and the eventual collapse of that. He saw that he was looked down on for how he was born but saw some good in people too. The relationship he holds with his mentor is not very healthy but as Crusher has gotten the chance to learn from humans he is evolving from the timid goon of Aur'Un Gullblud and seeing the world in his own way. Kral has no formal education but learned to read and write from the Witch of the Glass Forest.


Has worked as a soldier in the Goldsmith faction since he was 9 years old. When he returned to the ogres hiding his skin he was given the bodyguard position when he was 16 years old.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was beaten for his skin colour when he was 15 and left for dead by his mentor, all to realize it was part of a ruse to bring him back into the band of ogres in new armour to hide his skin.

Mental Trauma

He longs to prove himself to his mentor but also has been beaten down to think he is meant to amount to nothing.

Yellow, big, angsty

Character Location
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Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
186 AHM 26 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Once he was born to his proud Blood Ogre father with yellow skin, he was given away without even having a name given to the baby.
Yellow eyes with a black iris
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Yellow
6' 9"
480 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations