The Goldfists

The Goldfists are a mercenary force like no other, their ranks filled with warriors whose bodies bear the scars and grafts of molten gold. Led by the ruthless Aur’Un Gullblud, they have carved out a fearsome reputation in the Caluan Desert, where they have ruled for over two decades. The Goldfists’ fortress, surrounded by a moat of liquid gold, stands as a testament to their brutal power, a place where the heat of the earth and the wealth of gold collide in a hellish landscape. Each member of the Goldfists is marked by the Gildmending Ritual, a process that fuses Solar Gold to flesh, turning wounds into weapons and warriors into living symbols of the company’s might. Aur’Un’s control extends beyond loyalty; through the corrupted Gildletting Ritual, he transforms warriors into mindless thralls, their blood replaced with Solar Gold, and their wills bent to his command. The Goldfists are feared across Galfin, not just for their skill in battle, but for their unyielding loyalty to their leader, sealed in gold and bound by the ancient, corrupted rites of the ogre god Dwi’Thek. To join the Goldfists is to surrender oneself to a life of conquest, pain, and glory, where power is bought with gold, and freedom is lost to the lust for it.

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