Icepoint Hal

  Icepoint Hal is an impressive fortress that stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the people of Brugar. Located at the foot of an icy mountain, the stronghold is constructed entirely from the frozen waters of the nearby lake, which have been shaped and molded into towering walls and sturdy battlements.   The fortress is accessed by a winding, narrow road that snakes up the mountain, affording visitors and defenders a commanding view of the surrounding landscape. At the entrance to the stronghold, a pair of massive gates made of reinforced ice swing open to admit those who have business within.   Inside, the halls of Icepoint are lit by flickering torches and magical lanterns that cast a pale blue light throughout the fortress. The floors are polished ice, and the walls are adorned with tapestries and banners that depict scenes of Brugar's history and the heroic deeds of its defenders.   The heart of the fortress is the central keep, a towering spire that rises up from the center of the stronghold. Within its walls are the chambers of the Guardians of Zoa, as well as the armory, treasury, and war room. From the top of the keep, one can see for miles around, surveying the frozen wasteland that surrounds Brugar and keeping a watchful eye for any signs of danger.
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