
Illenbye is a dangerous town located in the heart of Kadin. The scorching sun beats down on the town's dry, sandy streets as its hardy inhabitants go about their daily business. The town's people are a mix of Caluan and Blood Ogre, who all worship the Siroccan Pantheon with great reverence.
  The Magnate of People, Rha'Been A'Huud, rules over Illenbye with an iron fist, controlling the town's lucrative mining operations and the powerful consortium of wealthy merchants who deal in slave labour. The Order of Rings governs the town in Rha'Been's absence, ensuring the strict running of the local economy and trade.
  Because of the town's militaristic nature, there is a sense of order and structure that permeates throughout. The town's buildings are made of sturdy granite and sandstone, and its people are fiercely proud of their home. There is a sense of solidarity and camaraderie among the townspeople, who work together mostly to try not to get on Rha’Been’s bad side.
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location