
To the south in Rodatia lies Jinovki, a sprawling province that encompasses both urban centers and vast tracts of fertile farmland. The people of Jinovki are known for their hospitality and their love of food and drink, with feasts and festivals held year-round to celebrate everything from harvests to religious holidays.
  Jinovki has a complex social hierarchy, with powerful merchant guilds and wealthy landowners exerting significant influence over the region's politics and economy. The province is also home to a vibrant underground resistance movement, made up of farmers, laborers, and other disenfranchised groups who seek to challenge the status quo.
  Over the centuries, Sibetnik and Jinovki have often found themselves at odds with one another, with each province vying for control over strategic resources and trade routes. At times, this rivalry has boiled over into open conflict, with battles fought across the rugged mountains and rolling hills that mark the border between the two regions.
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