
Sibetnik is a rugged and mountainous province located in the northern reaches of Rodatia. The people of Sibetnik are hardy and resourceful, having learned to survive in a harsh and unforgiving landscape. The province is home to several ancient mining towns, where the residents eke out a living by extracting precious minerals from the earth.
  The people of Sibetnik are proud and fiercely independent, valuing their freedom and autonomy above all else. The province has a long and storied history of resistance against outside invaders and oppressors, and many of its people still cling to traditional ways of life that have been passed down through generations.
  Over the centuries, Sibetnik and Jinovki have often found themselves at odds with one another, with each province vying for control over strategic resources and trade routes. At times, this rivalry has boiled over into open conflict, with battles fought across the rugged mountains and rolling hills that mark the border between the two regions.
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