Knights of Bilgundin

The Knights of Bilgundin are a group of former knights who have transitioned into positions of power and authority within Skigwater. Once renowned for their chivalry and prowess on the battlefield, these ex-knights now rule the town on behalf of the Outsiders, a faction comprised of brigands and mercenaries motivated by wealth and personal gain.
  Having left their knightly order behind, the Knights of Bilgundin have adopted a different code, one that values pragmatism and the pursuit of wealth. They utilize their combat skills and tactical knowledge to maintain control over Skigwater, imposing their authority with a firm hand.
  While they may have forsaken their knightly ideals, the Knights of Bilgundin remain a well-trained militia. Their experience on the battlefield, coupled with their cunning and understanding of warfare, make them formidable rulers within the town. They are not bound by honor or duty but instead operate under the influence of the Outsiders, seeking to further their own interests and accumulate wealth in the process.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members