Lucan Ostoroth

As a vampire, Lucan Ostoroth possesses a certain charm and charisma that he uses to his advantage as a ship captain. He has a certain finesse and elegance in his movements that suggests he is much older and more experienced than he lets on. His burgundy sailor clothes are always impeccably tailored, giving him an air of sophistication that belies his rugged appearance.
  Though he could easily feed on the people of Tarnford, Lucan has chosen to abstain from human blood for years. Instead, he maintains a strict diet of animal blood and supplements to keep himself strong and healthy. This has earned him the trust and respect of the townspeople, who value his services as a ship captain and his commitment to their safety.
  Lucan has a keen sense of intuition and often seems to know more than he lets on. His red irises hint at his vampiric nature, and some of the more superstitious townspeople believe that he possesses certain supernatural abilities. He is generally well-liked and respected in Tarnford, where he has become a fixture of the town's maritime history.
  long time ship captain of Tarnford. Vampire who only feeds on sheep, burgundy clothes and red eyes.
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