
Tarnford is a hamlet located on the cool seashore of western Zephyr, where the vegetation is sparse. Tarnford grew around a coastal harbor, and is comprised of many different cultures, with the most common race being Pacuran. They are a matriarchal community with the eldest goat herder as leader. This matriarch sends vassals to make requests to the Stormblood across the island. The Crags keeps them mostly to themselves as the land is not very welcoming.   The Festival to the Sea Mother is taking place in Tarnford, bring the Zephyrn Fleet onto the land. The people here may be a strong ally for a future hold on Zephyr but they are in the midst of dealing with a blight that is affecting the local plants and animals.      
Sheep Farms  
Wind blown trees outside of town        
Luciandan Totem  
        small village on west Zephyr, port   Tarnford is a hamlet located on the cool seashore of Zephyr, where the vegetation is sparse. Tarnford grew around a coastal harbor, and is comprised of many different cultures, with the most common race being Pacuran. They are a matriarchal community with the eldest goat herder as leader. This matriarch sends vassals to make requests to the Stormblood across the island. The dangerous Slipstream Crags keeps Tarnford mostly to themselves as the land is not very welcoming. The people of this hamlet worship both Sootha and Lucianda. The Sea Mother and the God of Harvests, respectively. The nearest landmark is a twenty foot wide wheel of cheese that is kept in a cold cave for viewing. This is also where all the other goat's cheese is stored for the town. Occasionally a ghostly roar pierces the air, wind cutting through the Crags are a suspected culprit. A population of 390, the denizens live a poor existence. A Festival to the Sea Mother is currently taking place as the summer air makes it a little less dreadful to be outside.. The people of Tarnford work the land in to produce harsh vegetables such as beets and potatoes. They are mostly goat and sheep herders in Tarnford. A tax is paid monthly to the capital of Ivmagir and the Stormblood Cynthia. This protects their coast with the Zephyrn Fleet. One galleon is always docked on this side of the island. Trade is free in Tarnford, and people live a poor existence because of it. There are no taxes or regulations to speak of, besides what the Matriarch must deliver to the Stormblood. This pool is mostly gathered through donation. This can cause issues as the population is stagnant so money is mostly only changing hands between the people of this town. The guard presence in Tarnford is a militia; policing is carried out by The Goater's Guild who also tend to everything else in the town, and there is rarely any need for the use of force. Law breakers are judged by community tribunals. Law in Tarnford is punitive, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, fines, or, in rare instances, execution through the Salt Death of the Doth Kai. A ship would take the worst offenders out to the Sundered Lands and stake the criminal to a ocean rock, letting the wind and water crash over them as sea fowl pick apart their bodies.   Flutists of Tarnford Bards College Very Small   The Caring Sisters Priests College Miniscule (The Lea Sisters)   The Goater's Guild Community Militia Slightly Above Average Sized   Zephyrn Fleet   Name Race Profession   Vilettia Hawthorne Vohkin Human Baker   Lilia Gorush Pacuran Shopkeep   Chloe Gorush Pacura Shopkeep's Assistant   Matteus Deane Human Botanist  
Santaegus Briar Human Tailor   Breia Lea Human Cobbler   Lylia Lea Human Shoemaker   Jaxus Terra Elf Cardinal  
Lucan Ostoroth Caluan Ship's Captain   Ryladeen Human Baker Doth kai  
Dayereth Lranapha Elf Shopkeep  
Oswolt Goodear Halfling Gravedigger  
Irann Lathalas Elf Blacksmith  
Eiravel Goltorah Elf Botanist  
Lavinia Tealeaf Halfling Cleric  
Wunnloa Whitestone
Wunnloa Whitestone Pacuran Matriarch  
Olimpia Barberan Captain Zephyr Fleet  
Ilya Shorefolk priestess of Sootha     Dazan  
Liina Gardner  
Maristela Soara  
Rusk Whitestone  
Wynona Whitestone     Population: ~200   Bralda's Masonry: The workshop of a male human stonemason named Balda, who seems to know every dungeon within twenty leagues of town.   The Rusted Dagger: A modest elven tavern, built atop an outcrop of hewn and rune-carved stone.  
Tarnford Incident